TB Saga

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"I'll take a Nacho Bell Grande" Tyler told the server at the counter, he was acting like a kid- jumping around, running around, and taking to random people- but he didn't care. Taco Bell was his safe place, he was free to do whatever he wished here. Taco Bell was a judge free place
" I'll have a seven layer burrito.." Josh said cautiously.
They walked to a free table and waited for their food to be ready.
"What's up Josh?" Tyler asked as he sat down across from Josh.
"Nothing much dude. At Taco Bell" Josh was nervous, Tyler could tell.
"No.. I mean- what's wrong" tyler usually wasn't one to use his words so straight forward but he cared a lot for Josh- and he felt safe

Josh just shrugged, looking down at the table.
"Come-on Josh.." Tyler sighed. He wanted Josh to be open with him.. Like how him and Jenna are- well were.
Jenna hasn't even called or texted. Tyler had no idea if there was any hope in there relationship. The only thing keeping Tyler's mind away from the pain of thinking about Jenna was Josh's busy life. There was always something to do- somewhere to go. But now they just sat at Taco Bell in silence
Can't they turn on music or something??
Tyler was forced to deal with what was real- not having Jenna.

Tyler stopped. He didn't want to think anymore.
He too looked down at the table. It wasn't all that clean, the fake wood-almost like plastic, was an boring tan colour with a red frame around it. It also was covered in crumbs.

I don't want to be here anymore
He felt his face heat up
Nonono I won't cry
Emotion was beginning to overtake him.
Tyler stood up quickly, his chair falling to the ground with a loud thud. All eyes were on him, including Josh's, but he didn't care or realize. Tyler bolted for the bathroom, taking the last, and largest  stall.
Tyler sat on the floor swiping at his tears with seat covers

Jenna's all I have- and now she's gone.
He bit his tongue till he tasted blood
I have nothing!!
Tyler's thoughts filled his head and wouldn't leave

Jenna's beautiful blue eyes
Jenna's laugh
Jenna's soft li-
A soft tap on his stall jump made him jump
"Occupido"he said between sniffles, rubbing his eyes some more.
"Tyler..?" It was Josh's voice, but something about it was off..

"Oh, sorry I'll be out in a minute-"

"Stop." Josh said emotionless

"Oh, sorr-"

"Tyler! Stop apologizing!" Josh demanded, Tyler's never heard Josh raise his voice, he almost apologized again out of habit. But he didn't- he just sat silently.
He heard Josh sigh from outside the stall door, then saw him sit down on the floor.
"Tyler, you know you're my best friend-right?"
Well of course he did. He nodded forgetting Josh couldn't see him
Tyler heard a thud and looked over to see Josh laying on the floor scooting himself into Tyler's stall.

Bye JennaWhere stories live. Discover now