The Party and the Chief's son

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  • Dedicated to Nick Ta

       The feast started, people ate, and drank, the chief or his son still has not shown up yet, but they will. The air has gotten thick and the music is load, but it was a good feast so far. A bong sounded, we all stood, and they were here. The chief first, he was big and a good man, he loved his people. Everyone blended in, except me, me with the red cloak. I stood out. I could not see the son; I did not want too, I wanted to see Aaron. Everyone rushed him telling him it was good to see him, and that they were glad he was back.

         I watched from afar, I hate crowds; I like to be alone by the woods. I got up and went over to the open window looking out beyond the forest, it was quiet and dark the moon shining down on the streams, breathtaking. Though it was cold, I put the hood of my cloak up and breathed in the fresh air.

       "Well it looks like I did not greet everyone?"

       I turned looked real quick and turned away, the chiefs son. What was I going to say, I just hoped that he would forget me, or even better not notice me.

       "What is your name?"

       I was going to answer, but a couple of bumbling girls who followed him, wanting his attention answered for her. "Oh, she's no one special, just Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood. Hey Red Riding Hood meet any beasts when you were by the woods lately. "

       "Yes, I did, but it wasn't by the woods, I see the beasts standing in front of me, right now."

        The son looked mad, like he actually cared that I was being talked to like that. And then he laughed when I made my come back, the girls looked mad when I said that but, they lost confidence in the next thing they were going to say when they heard him laugh, it was a nice laugh, I liked it. They left, fuming and whispering to each other to the other girls across the feasting table inside the opening if the field.

       "Good one, but you should not let them talk to you like that."

       I looked at him, really looked at him, tall, dark black hair, a slight tan, and he had muscles, a few scars, I think were from battles and training. He was limping, he must have fallen, but what really got me in the gut were his eyes, his beautiful green shining eyes, just like Aarons. I knew it was him it had to be, I would know those eyes anywhere.

       "What big beautiful green eyes you have." I said that, like I did that day, it was a whisper and I don't even know if he heard it. What he said next confirmed that he did. He smiled at me and said.... "Thank you, what a beautiful red cloak you have on.... Destiny."

        "I thought you did not know my name?"

        "I guess I did know it, maybe I knew it all along."

        "What's your name?"

        "Destiny... I think we both know you already know it."

        "Aaron?" My heart skipped a beat, it couldn't be.

       "My one and only name."

        "Aaron, you're my Aaron?" He was supposed to be a wolf, what was going on?

        "Yes your Aaron, I will always be your Aaron, and you are my Destiny."

        What he said, it made my stomach whirl and my heart beat fast, I blushed and he looked at me with those knowing eyes and smiled.

       "How is this possible, your suppose to be a wolf, are you a demon...?"

       I started to panic, he was my friend, but if he was a demon then he would kill me. Even if he was different I would like him, but a demon, no, no... I started to turn around and head for my mother but he grabbed my arm, not softly but it did not hurt.

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