I turned back to Calvin. "Think of something-I can and will not let it taken away."

"Alright," he grumbled, "I have an idea. You keep running and give me the board."

I hesitated. Should I?

"She'll see you still running. Does she think we're friends? I think not. So, if we're not friends, why would I have your board?" Calvin quickly added.

"We are not friends so if you do anything to-"

"I got it," Calvin promised, and then I gave him the board before escaping by slipping into one of the large groups.

The group was made up of cheerleaders. They weren't in the entire uniform, but they had the cheer jackets on. 2/3rds of them had too much makeup and they looked like clowns if you asked me. The rest of them didn't have as much makeup, but too much makeup or not, they all gave me funny looks and were too surprised by me to talk. I gave right it back to them as Mrs. Bullshit speed walked past us. I shoved my way between two of the girls.

I ran right into someone as I stumbled out between the two girls. We collided hard and both fell over. Calvin walked up, curious now. He held onto my longboard. As far as I could tell, he hadn't done anything to it besides hold it.

I didn't give whoever I ran into even a glance until I had gotten up and was holding my skateboard. It was a girl. She wore a hat that his her what I guessed must've been pretty short hair and it shaded her face. She looked up at Calvin and I once she had gathered her books. Calvin and I just stared down at her.

"Sorry," she said but I just stared down at her.

Awkwardly, she stood up and hurried away. Calvin watched her push her way through the crowd, but I headed towards my locker with my longboard tucked under my arm.


Calvin looked up. He was the first to class, and was curious-an unwonted side to him he was just beginning to discover he had-to see who was the second one in.

It was the girl from earlier. Her hat was still on, and she walked up to the teacher's desk. Calvin looked back down at his desk. He realized there no hair sticking out of her hat and looked up just to confirm it. There were a lot of strange things at Venice High School, but he'd never seen a bald girl...except once...at the hospital.

Calvin blinked away the memory. Did this girl really have cancer, or did she shave her head?

"Willow, you may sit next to Calvin-he's the only other one here right now."

Huh?, thought Calvin, and his head snapped upwards.


"Hey, did know Calvin has a new girlfriend?" Chad sneered at me when we walked into English.

"Good for him," I grumbled at Chad.

"Jealous much?"

"Only in your dirty peanut-sized brain!"

"Rachel Fletcher!" called Mrs. Bullshit sharply and shrilly.

I knew this was coming but still thought: Uh, oh!

I strode over to get large wooden desk. "Yes?"

"Don't pull that on me. You know very well what is wrong. If I catch you riding in the hallways again, you will end up in detention. Am I clear?" She threatened unpleasantly.

Last time I was in detention, she was the one watching us. That was a memory I could do without.

What she said next made me freeze.

"And don't think I won't suspect Mr. Eaton next time. I am not blind. Now, you may go to your seat."

Fighting back the urge to attack my own English teacher, I stomped over to my desk, yanked back the chair as I threw my backpack down, and plopped down into my seat to await for the torturous class with a demonic teacher to end.


"Calvin!" I shouted angrily.

"I haven't done anything-don't flip me!" Calvin put up his hands and I could tell he was teasing me so I let it go.

"What? Flip you? No! I only flip people when they piss me off, not when they annoy me. Also, apparently you have the guts to tease mean stead of being scared or try to fight me," I quickly replied. 

"You really need to work on your tone then," he advised. Normally, I would have smacked him, but I didn't this time. 

"Look, have you told your girlfriend-" I began. 

"What?" Calvin asked. "I don't have a girlfriend. I don't even have any friends. You're the closest thing I have to anything remotely related to a friend. Who told you that?" 

I realized how stupid I would sound if I told him my source, Chad. "Uh-I just heard others talking, okay? Just wanted to make sure you haven't told anyone of the prank war for revenge."

"I'm pretty sure other kids are starting notice. You can't exactly hide something like that very well. You wouldn't notice because you're use to the attention-good or bad. I've noticed because I hate being noticed," Calvin stated, firm and cold. His eyes pierced into me for a moment before he blinked and looked away. "Anyways, I won't be able to come over tonight. If Carrie complains, bring her to Saint John's Health Center."

"The hospital?" I furrowed my brow. "What? Why there?" 

"Someone I know only has a few days left. I have to go to class," Calvin answered curtly and stalked away. 

Why would he be going to the hospital? His dad? Mom? Should I follow...Of course I will! But, Carrie. Do I bring her with me? Calvin said I could, I thought as it nagged at me like a fly constantly buzzing around your head. 


Carrie squeezed my hand as we walked into the hospital. I swallowed and looked around. Calvin wasn't hard to miss. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Lanky and goth. He wanted to stay hidden yet it seemed impossible for someone like him. Then again, he was an outsider, and I hadn't really paid any attention to him until this year. 

"Remember what I told you?" I asked Carrie. 

She nodded and put her right index finger to her lips, making me flash her a smile. 

I turned back to Calvin. He was walking down the large, long hall carrying four bags of Doritos and two water bottles. My eyebrows knitted together as Carrie and I started to walk forward. We followed Calvin down the hospital hallway.

Calvin took one left and then a few yards later, Calvin stopped. With his arms full, he awkwardly managed to open the door without dropping anything. Carrie's hand squeezed mine so tightly I thought she'd at least crack the bone-something I found cruelly ironic since we were in a hospital and she was so tiny and innocent-when Calvin nearly dropped one of the cool ranch flavored Doritos bag. Then he disappeared into the room.

Carrie and I rushed over to the door after it shut. I read the name tag: Willow Red. 

It was too close to be a coincidence. William Red. Willow Red. 

I let go of Carrie's hand and stepped back. I drew my hands through my hair as my jaw dropped. 

Oh, God, is Calvin really on their side? 

* So, tell me what you think! Is Calvin bad? I'd really appreciate it :) * 

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