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"They don't know how special you are." ~They Don't Know About Us, One Direction. 

Friday, 14th February 2014


I was a bit eager to go to school today, and anyone can probably guess why. 'Cos today was Valentine's Day, and I couldn't wait to kiss my boyfriend and tell him I love him.

After waking up, I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone, unlocking it to check my messages. And I swear I smiled like a right idiot when I saw Zayn's text, telling me he loved me. Biting my lip shyly, I texted him an 'I love you' back.

I skidded out of my room after making myself presentable, showing up at the kitchen table, humming to myself. Mum raised her eyebrows from above her newspaper, as I walked past her to take a box of cereal out of the cupboard.

"You're in quite a good mood today," Mum noted, amused. I shrugged, smiling.

"I know. I never pinned myself as the romantic type, but I'm actually looking forward to Valentine's Day," I explained, while I poured myself some cereal in the bowl, and twisted around to retrieve some milk from the fridge.

"Wait, it that today?" Mum gasped, standing up. I smirked at her. "Yep."

"I gotta go!" she squeaked, taking her cell phone and running to her room. I just shrugged at her actions, and stuffed a spoonful of Lucky Charms in my mouth.

Dusty started weaving through my feet, meowing, demanding breakfast, so I leaned down and scooped her up in my arms, petting her furry head. My cat purred in response, burying her face into my chest. I smiled and set her back down, pouring some cat food in Dusty's food bowl, which she immediately attacked.

And just then, right on time, I car honk sounded downstairs. Similing to myself, I shouted a goodbye to Mum and hurried downstairs.

"Hey! Happy Valentine's Day," I greeted Zayn as I got inside his car, smiling cheekily.

"Same to you babe," Zayn smiled back adorably, pecking me lightly.


As soon as we entered the school gates, you could literally see every possible shade of pink and heart shaped everything, everywhere!

"Looks like the decorations committee went all out this year," Zayn commented, wrapping an arm around my waist, assessing the hallway walls amusedly.

Zayn and I made it to the fountain first, as there weren't any sign of the others yet. Hmm, they all must be busy doing lovely dovey things then.

A few minutes later, Zayn started laughing suddenly, clutching his stomach. When he calmed down a bit, I asked him what was so funny. He pointed in the direction of Louis and Niall walking towards us, and Louis was walking with a bit of difficulty- oh. I snorted and cracked up, leaning against Zayn as we both laughed like hyenas.

"May I know the joke?" Niall asked when they got closer, raising his eyebrows, while Louis was oddly quiet, blushing lightly. Awh!

"Looks like you two had a bit too much fun last night, eh?" Zayn teased slyly, and Louis became even redder than he already was.

"As a matter of fact, we did!" Niall stated proudly, turning his nose up in the air.

"Ooh, damn! So you topped, eh Nialler? Never took you one for-"

"Alright, that's enough!" Louis shrieked, his face even more redder if that was possible. "And you're one to talk, Malik!" Uh-oh.

"Oh?" Zayn questioned.

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