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"If I had known then, that I'd be feeling this way. If I could replay, I would have never let you go." ~I Should've Kissed You, One Direction.

Wednesday, 25th September 2013


"Oi! Give me my burger back Niall!" Harry huffed, sitting back down when he couldn't retrieve it and glaring at the blond boy who was happily munching on the stolen burger.

Lunch time was always epic, whether it be the fights and spats and drama that occurred on a daily basis among the students and were extremely amusing to watch, or the daily ritual of Niall stealing food off our plates, or the fact that all six of us got a chance to sit and share stuff with each other, as we all had almost different classes.

Dani and Liam were in their own little world, giggling to each other and I puked internally. I had the urge to shove between them and shout something inappropriate in their faces, but I spared them.

The actual fun was in teasing Zayn and Harry. At first, I was a bit wary of Zayn because he seemed a bit intimidating, but he was an okay fellow. He actually didn't mind my inappropriate jokes. Why? Because they made Harry a blushing mess and according to Zayn, 'he wanted to kiss the life outta Harry then and there 'cos he looked so damn adorable.' Cue girly awws. Now cue me gagging.

"Yo Guys! And girl! What's up?" Josh asked, coming over to the table along with his girlfriend Perrie, who was also Zayn's ex. It confused me how Zayn wasn't bitter at all about their break up, and vice versa as they were together for a long time. They were actually happier now with different people, so I guess that was a good thing.

Perrie and Danielle immediately started some girly topic and I focused my attention far away from them. You must be thinking, their table must be so crowded right now!

Yes. Yes, it is.

"So guys," Josh started. "I'm going to a video game convention this evening, but everyone is scared to embrace their inner nerd and come with me." He then looked around the table hopefully.

"Sorry mate, but I'm busy. My parents are coming home today," Liam gave his excuse.

"What about you guys?" Josh questioned Zayn and Harry.

"Well I don't really like video games that much that I'd go to a convention dedicated to them," Zayn shrugged, stealing a fry from Harry's plate.

"And I've gotta tutor Mr. Hot Shot today," Harry gestured to the black haired boy beside him who rolled his eyes, but smiled.

Josh looked sad now. I chuckled. "I'll come with you. I'm a bit of a video game junkie myself."

"Can I come too?" Niall asked excitedly, now done with both his and Harry's burgers. Of course the bloke was going to come. That's another thing we had in common. We loved video games. I'd even gifted Niall a vintage game on his birthday, which was almost a few weeks ago.

"Sure," Josh grinned happily at us. "The more, the merrier!"

And then he gave us the venue and the time of the convention. Hm, this'll be fun.

"Can you pick me up Louis? I don't have a car," Niall confessed.

"Alright. But make sure you're outside when I arrive. I don't want to run in to your brother again," I muttered, wincing and rubbing my now healed nose at the memory.

Niall guffawed and nodded.


"This. Place. Is. Awesome!" I announced when we walked inside, looking around. This place was a video gamer's paradise, literally.

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