Never Enough

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"Just let me in and let me show you what I'm meanin'." ~Another World, One Direction. 

Wednesday, 18th December 2013


I can't believe Dad. He did what he always does. And he didn't even care that by his harsh words, he's hurting his own son so damn much.

After Zayn had so bravely told our parents everything about him and his relationship, Dad had blown up, not even considering what Zayn was saying! And Mum doesn't even say anything, ever!

After Zayn had said all he could say, he had stormed off to his room. The room was awkwardly silent for a few seconds after Zayn left, then I broke the silence.

"I can't believe you guys!"

Dad started to say something but I cut him off. "No, Dad. Let me say what I want to say, on Zayn's behalf. Actually, this is my opinion too."

We were all still standing in the dining room, and Mum had now sat down, still silently crying. Was she crying over her son being gay? That her son couldn't be perfect? Probably.

I took a deep breath and started, facing Dad who had a grave expression on his face. "Dad, do you realize how much Zayn cares about your opinion, of your approval? No matter what he said? And you just crushed him like that!"

He is never happy with anything! When I told him about Jake, my fiance, he just looked for things to berate him about. He still does, to this day!

"Well I said what I wanted to say. Liking boys is looked down upon. What he is doing is wrong and he should know it."

I snorted in disbelief. "No, it isn't! Those were the old days. Nowadays, a same gender relationship is accepted. Like Zayn said, love is equal and he's right! He loves Harry, Dad! Mum! Can't you see how happy he makes him?" I almost pleaded.

Why can't they see that? They're hurting him, they're taking their own son's hapiness away, just because of other people's opinions!

"By telling him not to see Harry anymore? That was too much," I shook my head. I looked up at Dad and he was frowning. Mum looked deep in thought.

"I need to go talk to him," Mum started, getting up but I stopped her. "I think you should wait, he won't want to talk to you right now." She didn't say anything, just shook her head, biting her lip.

"So? Did what I just said meant anything to you Dad?" I asked him. He gave me a leveled gaze and turning around, walked back to his study.

"I-I'm going to rest. Try to talk to Zayn, Doni?" Mum asked me and I nodded to her.

I hope Mum and Dad realize how much their opinions matter to Zayn. Ever since he was little, he wanted everyone to think good about him, he always wanted good opinions, he couldn't take even a slightest bit of criticism.

It's still the same with him now. He cares too much about what people think about him, and he can't help it. He just wants to be accepted. And our parents don't get that. That, by disapproving of Zayn's relationship, disapproving who he is, they've devastated him.



I heard Doniya and Dad arguing downstairs, no doubt about what just happened. I snorted. Doni should save her breath, Dad was never going to budge.

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