I Fancy Zayn Malik

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"We've been friends now for a while, wanna know that when you smile, is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me, yeah?" ~Last First Kiss, One Direction.

Saturday, 24th August 2013


Finally, today was the day of the warm up game. The game that Coach was drilling us for since the start of semester. Well, he's still drilling us for the big season game that'll be at the end of the year but you get my point.

So my team and I were in the locker room right now, all geared up for the game, patiently listening to Coach's speech and orders.

"This game is like a first impression for all of you, remember that. Now move your arses and go win this game!"

We all cheered, put on our helmets and picked up our crosse sticks, heading out to the field to be welcomed with a cheering crowd. The rival team was already warming up on the field. Looks like it's time to make Patterson (the jerk goalie who I have a beef with) cry.

I jogged to where Liam was warming up. "Hey mate. Ready?" I patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah. We really need to win this thing, or else Coach will up our practice hours," he groaned.

"Don't worry. These guys play like a bunch of babies!" I snorted and Liam laughed but nodded in agreement.

"Alright team!" Liam called out and all of us formed a circle to discuss the game strategy. After that was done, we disbanded and walked off to our respective positions on the game field.

I glanced at the crowd, to the people who had came to watch the game. Everyone's families were here, to watch their kids play. Everyone, except my family. Then my eyes met Harry Styles and I smirked, to which he smiled back and then resumed talking to his pal Louis.

I don't make Harry do my homework anymore, because damn it he can blackmail me anytime he wants with what happened at the party. But he does tutor me once in a while. And Harry honestly scares me sometimes. Because of how he can sometimes see right through me, see my side that I don't even want to be seen.

Even though he said that no one would believe him if he told them about the party, but there are many who will. Some people will get their hands on anything for a good rumor.

Speaking of rumors, the news of Perrie and I's breakup spread around the school like wildfire, just as expected. And 88% of the students believed that it all happened 'cos of that Jenny rumor. Well, the are kinda right after all. That was partly the cause.

Squirming out of my thoughts, I quickly pulled my helmet on and took my position in the front line on the field, waiting for Coach's whistle.

Finally it blew, and a soon-to-be intense game of lacrosse started.



Doesn't Zayn know how to pull any other facial expression besides his trademark smirk? But he does look damn sexy while doing it so I'm not gonna complain.

"Did Zayn Malik just smirk at you, and did you just smile back at him?" Louis asked teasingly and Dani's head popped up from her phone with interest. She was here to support her boyfriend of course. Yes, she and Liam were officially together now, after their magical date yesterday which I've heard about 234884 times already.

"Uh, yeah, I guess he did." Louis narrowed his eyes at me.

"Spit it out Haz," he demanded. I sighed.

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