It Isn't Right

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A/N: Hi lovelies! So as promised, I got 10 votes and 80 reads on the blurb, so here's the 1st chapter! I really hope you like it. I have a lot of ideas running around in my head for this book.. (:

**Please note that I have nothing against Harry's mum, Perrie, Eleanor or any of the other characters! I just made their personalities like that so the story works.**

Thanks. Happy reading! <3

~bemycupcake xx



 "I try playing it cool, but when I'm looking at you, I can't ever be brave. 'Cos you make my heart race." ~One Thing, One Direction

Monday, 5th August 2013


Where the hell is that annoying sound coming from?

My sleep induced head cleared up a little then. Oh. Right. My phone was ringing, blasting out Boyfriend. Don't judge me! I de-tangled my arms from the bedsheets and fumbled for it on the night-stand.

"Yeah?" I mumbled into the device in my sleepy voice. "Wake up already Hazza! It's the first day of Junior year!" Danielle, one of my best friends chirped from the other end. I hate the fact that she's such a morning person. Well I hate everything in the morning 'cos I'm not a morning person myself.

"Ugh! Ok thanks, I'm up Dani."

"Good! I'm coming to pick your butt up so you better be ready in 20 minutes or else!" she threatened and hung up.

Oh joy. New school year. New humiliations. So somehow I had survived two years of high school. Now, two more to go.

After debating for a while between staying in bed and getting up for school, I went for the latter, knowing full well that Dani will come in and drag me by the hair to school if I didn't cooperate. And Danielle Peazer was a freakin' scary girl when she was persistent.

So finally I unwillingly wiggled out of my warm cocoon of sheets and trudged to the bathroom. Moments later, I emerged out after going through my morning rituals. I chose a simple grey tee and black skinnies as my attire for today.

Standing in front of the mirror, I ruffled my curls and pushed my black-rimmed glasses up my nose. For the final touch I pulled an olive beanie over my head and grabbed by book bag.

Reaching downstairs, I firstly filled up my cat Dusty's bowl with food. Then before leaving, as a habit I went to my mother's room to check up on her. Looks like she had a late night like always. She was fast asleep but she looked sick like before. Alcohol bottles were littered on the floor beside her bed. I sighed sadly, and shook my head, forcing the tears back and walked out of her room. Just as I reached the landing, a car honk sounded outside just in time.

Shit! I forgot breakfast! Hastily grabbing a banana, I dashed out of the front door and flew down the stairs as the honking got more and more obnoxious.

"God Dani would you freaking stop! I'm coming!" I yelled while sprinting down the stairs and out the building, and getting into the backseat of Dani's car. She just smirked, putting on some music.

"Louis Tomlinson! What did you do to your hair?!" I gasped, assessing my best friend from the back who was sitting in the front with Dani. Lou turned around and shot me a cheeky smile. "You likey Harreh?"

Louis had changed his hair from his normal windswept look to a quiff. And he had dyed it- gasp -red! But surprisingly, he made it work.

"It's kinda shocking, but it suits your personality I guess."


We were all bantering and laughing all the way but I suddenly felt a knot form in my stomach as soon as we reached the school gates. And sure enough, just as we got out of the car, I saw him standing there, looking all handsome.

Well even more handsome then before, arm around his girlfriend's waist. I ignored the weird feeling in my stomach and observed him discreetly. He was dressed in his usual bad boy ensemble: black jeans, grey tee and black leather jacket. The only difference was a blonde streak in his quiff which made him look even more sexy. Snap out of it Harry! You can't think about Zayn Malik, of all people like that! It isn't right!

"You ok, mate?" Louis inquired, passing an arm around my shoulders and leading us inside the school. We passed the lacrosse team aka the populars and without meaning to, I glanced in Zayn's direction and he shot me a wink. What the hell? Am I seeing things?

You see, Zayn Jawaad Malik was the King of our school, the bad boy, and the jock as well. Students and teachers alike feared and respected him. Even the principal did 'cos he has rich-ass parents. He has everything, the looks, the money, you name it. So folks, now it's not so hard to believe that he's the object of my unrequited affection, eh? I have a thing for bad boys, seriously.

And if you haven't already guessed, I'm gay. And Dani loves that fact and drags me to go shopping with her all the time. She just doesn't understand that I may be gay, but that doesn't mean I'll automatically like shopping and have a fashion sense! Pssh, stereotypes!

"Harry? Yoohoo?" Louis was now waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked and shook my head. Great Harry. It's just the first day and off you go into Zayn-land. But I felt kinda bad that I hadn't told my friends anything about my not-so-little crush on Zayn. I know I'll never hear the end of it if I do. And I like to keep it as my own little secret.

"Yeah, sorry Lou. Just thinking," I mumbled. Louis gave me a sceptic look but thankfully let it go. I hadn't even noticed but we were now inside. All three of us took our new schedules from the reception office and proceeded to our usual spot, the fountain outside.

"So Harry, see any cuties?" Dani questioned, wigging her eyebrows. "If so, kindly point them out," she added cheekily. I rolled my eyes.

"Nope," I replied, popping the 'p'. I only have eyes for one, but I'm 110% positive I'm not his type. If you know what I mean.

"Um, excuse me?" a heavy-accented voice asked from beside us. The voice belonged to a cute blond boy with blue eyes. "Yes?" Dani asked him sweetly.

"Um, can ya tell me where I can find the office, I'm a little lost," he admitted nervously. "Sure! We were just going inside, come with us!" Louis being his usual friendly self, started dragging the blond-haired boy with him.

"So I'm Harry," I started awkwardly, when everyone else had introduced themselves.

"Niall Horan. I just moved 'ere from Ireland." We reached the office and Niall took his schedule and locker number from the grumpy lady.

After a while, Niall really hit it off with us and his shyness slowly dissipated. He got along the best with Louis. And the interesting thing was, my, um-- as Dani calls it --gay-dar was beeping near Niall. And I'm pretty positive the poor bloke has a crush on Louis.

Finally the bell rung, and all the students started making their way to their respective classes.

"LET THE JUNIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL BEGIN!" Louis announced dramatically and we all laughed. Well, after all he is the president of the Drama Club.

So we all trudged to our first class of the year: homeroom. And weirdly and thankfully, we all had the same homeroom. And I do mean everyone, even the lacrosse team. Oh joy.


~Vote pwease? :3 xx

**Next update after 10 votes and 50 reads! :D x**

Preview for next chapter: Zayn's family and his thoughts when he sees Harry ;)

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