Truly, Madly, Deeply

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"'Cause I've got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you." ~I Wish, One Direction.

Monday, 23rd September 2013


It's been almost a month since my birthday and a lot of things have happened since then.

Like Josh and Perrie finally got together, the Winter Formal Dance was in a month, we lost one game which I still can't get over; but the biggest shocker was when I learnt that Zarry was actually real now. And I couldn't be happier for my best friend.

And now we've all had become great friends.

And by all of us, I meant me, Dani, Zayn, Harry, Louis and Niall. Over the past few weeks, all of the lads and I usually hung out together, playing video games or just chilling. All of just seemed to click with each other and I had no idea why we weren't friends in the first place.

Hanging out with the guys is cool, but sometimes I start feeling like a fifth wheel.

Zayn and Harry aren't your typical lovey dovey couple, they're actually the bantering type. Their relationship is still a secret, and only we, their closest friends know about them. They're extremely careful in public, and we have no idea why. Maybe they still need time to accept.

Zayn, who was usually always snarky and sarcastic before, was still like that. But to a much lesser degree. And it's really cute to see how his face lights up when he sees Harry and vice versa. I honestly think Harry is perfect for my best mate, 'cos he's helping him change for the better.

Zayn is making an effort to be genuinely nicer to everyone now, and he is actually putting his mind into trying to quit smoking. I had the urge to 'aww' when Zayn told me he was trying to quit for Harry,-because the lad hated when people smoked- but supressed it 'cos it wasn't a very manly thing to do.

And it's also kinda amusing and adorable how Zayn is so protective of Harry. He can tease him all he wants, but if you say one word against Harry, Zayn's gonna bite your head off.

And as for Louis and Niall, nobody knows. Dani predicts that they'll get together in a month or so.

And speaking of relationships and months, today was mine and Dani's one month anniversary. And of course I was taking her on a surprise date. And she was really not happy about the surprise part.

Oh well. She's cute when she's mad.

"C'mon, tell me! Please Li?" Dani pouted and batted her eyelashes. I was so ready to give in then and there, but I looked around to distract myself. We were sitting in the cafeteria right now, all of us at the same table.

"Nope!" I grinned.

"Trust me Dani, it's an awesome surprise! Liam has outdone himself this time," Louis assured her mischievously.

"Yep! We all helped plan it!" Niall chimed in. Dani's mouth dropped.

"You know what the surprise is?"

"We all know," Zayn snickered evilly.

"Oh, you guys are mean. But I can't wait!" I laughed and kissed her temple.

"What's going on?" Harry asked us, putting down his tray and sitting down beside Zayn, flashing him a dimpled smile which made Zayn smile back even wider. I saw them discreetly entwining their fingers under the table and Harry bit his sandwich, while wiggling his eyebrows at Zayn.

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