Why Is It So Wrong?

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"Don't be scared, I ain't going nowhere." ~Gotta Be You, One Direction.

Wednesday, 18th December 2013


Holidays. The damn holidays were here. Holidays, that you have to spend with your family. I wasn't looking forward to having my parents home all the time and not only that, I actually had to spend time with them as school was off.

The only upside to all of this was that my big sister was coming to visit.

The weather had gotten extemely cold these past few days. My parents and I were standing outside, near the Arrivals gate of Heathrow Airport, waiting for my sister to arrive. Her flight from Florida had landed, so she was gonna be here any minute.

A while later, my big sister came shuffling out, dragging her luggage behind her. Mum spotted her first and they both ran towards each other and hugged.

"Oh, sweetheart you've changed so much! You changed your hair, and oh my you look gorgeous!" Mum gushed, still hugging Doniya.

"Where's your fiance, Doniya?" Dad asked, with a hint of mockery in his voice. Doniya discreetly rolled her eyes and turned to him.

"Jake got held up by work. He'll be here 'til Christmas Eve." Dad never liked Jake, just 'cos he was a musician. And according to him, that was not a good enough job.

Doniya then spotted me behind Dad and squealed. "Zaynie! C'mere!" And I was being sqeezed to death, my sister's perfume nearly choking me.

"Yeah Doni, I missed you too. Enough of the sisterly love!" I gasped out. She let me go but still kept an arm around my shoulders.

"And little bro, you have a LOT to tell me about!" She winked and I nodded, grinning. Doniya was the only one out of my family who knew I was gay and I was with Harry. I had been nervous when I was about to tell her over the phone a few weeks ago, but I finally did.

She was actually very supportive, and told me that she had never heard me so happy before. She was right, it was all Harry.

"So, what did Mum and Dad say?" Doni asked me as we walked to our car, behind our parents.

"About what?" I played dumb. She gave me a look and I shrugged, looking away.

"Haven't actually told 'em yet," I mumbled.


Mum and Dad both turned around with questioning looks, and we waved them off.

"What? Why? You have been dating him for three months Zayn! When will you?" She whisper-shouted.

"I was thinking maybe in a few days? I actually wanted you to be around," I admitted sheepishly.

"Aw, Zaynie! Well, I'll help you tell them. I'm afraid of Dad's reaction though. You know how... difficult he is."

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it."


I was in my room while I could hear Mum and Doniya chatting away in the kitchen. I laid down on my bed and texted Harry.

To Curly<3

Me: hey babe :) x

Him: hiii .xx

Me: havin fun? x

Him: yeah, baking with mum :D

Me: aww! i miss you xx

Him: i miss you more .xx

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