
Start from the beginning

"I need your help." I said breathless. He nodded and set his beer down before following me, my hand was wrapped around his wrist as I pushed back to the corner, his eyes widened as he took in Lily.

I quickly grabbed them both and pulled them out into the side alley. The disgusting sewer water had overflowed and now puddled the alley. The garbage stench filled my nose and I held in my gag as we stopped outside the back door.

"What happened?" He asked checking Lily.

"I found Lily here getting attacked by two guards. They're both dead." I said as I scanned the alley, making sure no one overheard.

"You killed them both?" He asked shocked. I nodded.

"Lily had fun mutilating one of them." I said with no amusement in my voice.

"H-He touched me. A-And my f-family. I-I couldn't -" She stammered closing her eyes and shaking her head.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You're okay." He soothed her. I watched leaning on the wall across from them. "I'm going to get a friend of mine, he'll take you to the monastery and they'll give you sanctuary, okay?" She nodded as she continued to bawl. He turned and pulled out something similar to a whistle and blew it but it made no sound. I jumped as I saw a man walking down the alley. I pulled out a knife and aimed it at him when a hand lowered my arm. He looked down at me with a small smile of understanding. "He's the friend I was talking about." I nodded.

The man came into view. "How can I be of service?" The man asked.

"Take her to the monastery, give her sanctuary." He looked to the woman. "You'll be safe." The man nodded and pulled the woman, taking him with him out of the alley, and leaving me alone with him.

"I'm not even going to ask how he came out of nowhere." I turned to look at him to find him already looking at me, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched me.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." He said taking a few steps closer.

"That's because I never gave it to you." I responded. "You never gave me yours either, if I recall."

"Right, sorry. Nix." He stuck out his hand with a small grin on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him before taking his hand.


"Iris..." He tried it as he still held my hand. He quickly let go and cleared his throat. "Anyways, I figure this means you're joining us? We could use your... expertise."

I took a second watching him. The same stupid grin on his face that made him seem so boyish, yet his eyes were so clouded. What made him so special? What made him so different from all the other people who tried to revolt and failed? I didn't know, but I was going to find out. I smirked as I gave him my answer.

"Yeah, I'll join you." He nodded before throwing his head to the side.

"Come on, I'll show you where we're staying." I nodded and followed him back inside the bar.

It had cleared out slightly yet it still felt like there were too many people in the room. It almost seemed like a kind of mist filled the air do to all the heat that clouding the windows with the thick, hot steam.

I followed Nix through the group of people and up the wooden stairs. They creaked under my feet as we climbed and walked down the halls. The bar doubled as a motel of sorts and held refuge for many travelers. Their business was always strong considering Belleview was placed at the trading crossroads, where all the other trading cities met at one point.

Nix opened the farthest door at the back and as soon as it closed I was on alert. I'd moved to the corner in the shadows, a habit I'd created over the years as my defense. If they can't see you, they can't hit you. I immediately noticed the 4 other people in the room; Lydia and Axel were already there, sitting on the beds as they played with their weapons. Lydia's whip cracked in the air, nearly making me flinch. Axel sat next to her sharpening his swords.

There were two new men now; one had short brown hair and wore an apron, the other had long brown hair and was dressed in a general's outfit. A guard. A scowl fell on my face and I threw a knife at him, it almost reached him but Nix stepped in the way again.

"Calm yourself, Iris. He's an ally." This enraged me even more and I found myself stomping out of the shadows, startling everyone as they took me in.

"He's a general! His men almost raped that woman in the forest! And you know what he's going to do about it? Nothing! The spineless cowards are so feared yet when it comes to actually doing their jobs they decide not to in case they sound rebellious! Imagine that! Caring for the people means rebelling! That man should pay for his spineless crimes!" I launched myself at him but arms grasped me. Arms I was all too familiar with and quickly knew to give up.

I looked up at Axel with a scowl as I hung at his side like a bag, his arm around my waist and my arms and legs hanging limp beneath me. He raised an eyebrow at me but said nothing, while the girl threw a fit.

"What the hell is that thing doing here?! She tried to steal from us! Kill it!" She shouted stomping her foot as if I was a bug under her shoe.

I rolled my eyes at her childness and propped my chin in my hand, waiting to be set down. Nix chuckled as he took in the scene, while the two men looked mortified.

"S-She came out of nowhere..." The merchant said.

"That's her specialty." Nix answered. "She'll be joining us in our plans." He stood besides the two men and faced us. "May I introduce, Iris. Our little thief." I didn't blink at his cheeky little grin, still waiting to be set on the floor. "Put her down Axel." I was let go and my instincts quickly kicked in, pushing out my feet into a tuck and roll. "Iris, this is Merchant Grier, General Flynn,-"

"Lydia and Axel, yeah I got them. Siblings?" I asked standing up and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, I'm older." Lydia stuck her nose in the air. I turned to Axel with a blank expression.

"I'm so sorry for you. You have my deepest sympathies and condolences." He grunted in reply with a nod as Lydia stomped her foot again.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" I rolled my eyes and turned Nix, who was watching us with an amused smirk.

"Anyways!" He looked at the guys. "Since we have everything set up, you guys can leave." They nodded and shook hands with Nix, Lydia and Axel. They kept their eyes on me as they walked passed me, and I made sure to put on my worst glare for the general. "Iris, you need to calm down." I nodded, not really paying attention, before stepping back into the shadows.

"Where'd she go?" Lydia asked with a panic as she frantically looked around the dim room.

"She's over there." Nix said without looking as he shuffled through some papers. I raised my eyebrows impressed.

I slowly made my way around the room, taking everything in. The wood walls had a single torch, illuminating the dimmed out room. A large window sat on the other side with the branches of a tree hitting against the glass pane. Two beds sat at the center of the room, both big enough for two people. I looked at Nix.

"Where am I sleeping exactly?" I asked, making Lydia jump and spin towards me with a glare.

"That bed." Nix pointed towards the only other bed.

"And you?" He crossed his arms over his chest as he faced my shadow.

"That bed." I propped an eyebrow.

"Well, then you know I'm not sleeping in that bed."

"Sleep on the floor then." He went back to his papers, leaving me shocked and open mouthed. I ignored the rage I felt in my stomach, suppressing it until all that was left was my numb self.

I nodded before walking towards the window. I looked at the tree outside. It's core was tall and strong, enough to hold a girl of 5'3 while she slept. I looked up at the sky and sure enough they were clear of any clouds, letting the stars expose themselves down at us. I took a step onto the branch and got comfortable. 

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