Chapter 23 ~ Igneel

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Oh my God guys, we just reached 10k reads on this book and you don't understand how much I appreciate it! Thankyou so much to everyone who reads, comment and votes when I release a chapter and also thankyou to everyone who follows too! I love you guys :3

Back to Lucy POV:

The last car door slammed shut as Natsu threw himself into the drivers seat. His beloved black car was still patiently waiting for us infront of the arcade building, but wasn't too far from the others, who were still chasing us.

"Go go go!" I shouted, urging Natsu to hurry and drive.

My heart was racing as I looked through the backseat window. Crimson had just turned the corner and was running towards us angrily.

Natsu started the car and shot down the road.

Igneel, who hadn't spoken a word since we left, was sat in the passenger seat beside Natsu. His eyes were wide with fear. Natsu's face was hard and concentrated; his eyes darting through all the car mirrors to see if anyone was still behind us.

After around 20 minutes of driving with no sign of anyone behind us, the car slowed to a normal pace.

"Dad." Natsu started, getting Igneels attention. Igneel turned to Natsu, his eyes still holding guilt and sadness. "What happened?"

Igneel let out a deep sigh, now looking out the window.

"I'm so sorry Natsu." He wavered. "I had business that I didn't attend to. I'd gotten caught up with their tricks and couldn't pay what I owed."

I let out a small gasp, feeling like I should be hearing this as it wasn't any of my business.
I looked toward Natsu, his eyes were still on the road but he was more sunken in his seat.

"You promised me you weren't going to get involved with them!?" Natsu choked. "Why did you?"

"I'm sorry Natsu, it was the only way I could pay for your university and help Wendy." He explained.

"Why did you tell me? I didn't have to go to university! Then all this wouldn't have happened!" Natsu said, slightly angry.

If he didn't go to university... he wouldn't have met me... is all I thought.

"I'm sorry Natsu. I'm really sorry." Igneel sighed, swiping his hands up his face and then dragging them back down again.

I looked at the floor of the car, trying to find something that would grasp my attention so I didn't feel I was intruding on Natsu's life.

A water bottle was sticking out from under Igneels chair. I bent down in my seat, grabbing the bottle of water and pulling it out. Perfect reading material.

'Spring water. Fresh water straight from Hargeon's tallest mountains.'

I turned the bottle around in my hand, frowning at the lack of words. How am I supposed to not eaves drop, when there's nothing for me to concentrate on?

I sighed quietly, Natsu and Igneel were still talking; Igneel apologising over and over, whilst Natsu was asking him why he'd done it.

"Uhm, Natsu?" I piped up, trying not to shock them by my forgotten presence. Natsu turned his head back to me for a split second, before looking back at the road.

"Yep? What's up Luce?" He replied. He stretched his arm backward behind the seat, placing it in my knee and squeezing it gently.

"I was just thinking, where are we taking Igneel. It's not like we can take him into the dorms--there's no way they'd let us." I explained, there was no specific direction in which Natsu was driving, so he must have no plan.

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