Chapter 19 ~ Accidental Breakthrough

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I hated that word.

The murderous beeping of my alarm woke me. The loud noise echoing through my brain over and over. My hand slapped over the little black box that brought me so much dread.

I sighed loudly as I slowly peeled off the bed sheet. The bed sheet previously giving me the well wanted warmth. The cold air hit my bare legs, sending a familiar shiver down my spine; The one I get every morning of school.
I slipped my feet into my slippers, moved Plue off me and shuffled to my closet. Eventually finding a suitable outfit for the day, I headed to the bathroom to wake my sleepy self up.

Soon enough I was walking through the corridoors of university. Levy was bouncing behind me, telling me the latest news between her and Gajeel. I sauntered through the clusters of people, trying to get to the library for some quiet time. Me and Levy were on duty this morning. Library duty was good; We just chat the whole time seen as no one really comes in the mornings.

We entered the library, pushing the big blue door from our path and filing through. We both dragged a bean bag each behind the 'book check in' counter and grabbed a book to keep us company.

"So what's the deal with you and Natsu?" Levy chimed after a few minutes of silent reading.

I looked up from my book.

"What?" I asked, trying to act cool.

"I said, what's the deal with you and Natsu. I've noticed you two being a lot closer recently" Levy said with a smirk, now closing her book and placing it on the table infront of us.

"Nothing. We're roomates so I guess we kinda have to be close." I retaliated with the straightest face I could.

"Lies" She said. "I can sense these things. Are you two dating?" She asked abruptly.

I choked.

How could she guess? We're we that obvious?

"Fine!" I sighed, looking up at her. "Yes. We're dating. But you cant tell anyone!"

Levy cheered, pulling her elbow towards herself in victory.

"I knew it!" She beamed.

By now she'd jumped off her bean bag and was doing a little dance behind the counter. She was singing about how her 'otp was canon' and that she couldn't wait to tell Mira.

"Levy shush!" I shot, grabbing her hand and pulling her back down towards the floor. I looked around the library to see a few people dotted about, heads still in their books.

"You can't tell anyone! Not even Mira!" I told her.

She pouted and nodded sadly.

"How am I supposed to live with this secret? I need to tell someone!?" She squealed. "How long has it been going on? Have you told anyone? How long are you keeping it a secret?" Questions burst from her mouth.

I laughed.

"Levy calm down. It's not that big of  a deal" I said.

"Not that big of a deal?" She retorted, eyes widening. "Are you kidding? This is the best news I've ever heard! Tell me!"

"He asked me out the day went to the water park. No one knows except my aunt and uncle... and now you, I guess." I told her, folding up my own book a placing it next to hers.

Levy grinned excitedly, clasping her hands together and looking up to the ceiling.

"I'm so happy right now, you don't even know." She whispered.

Room Mates (NaLu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora