Still, we've been around for hours, when we only planned to stay around for a few minutes. Harry even showed concern about his car getting stolen and I told him we'd be right out. I hope he didn't get mad at me for making us stay around. But even he hasn't shown any desire to go.

"Hey, Nic, where'd ya go? We lost you there for a second." Louis waves his hand rapidly in front of my face. My eyes focus back on the ground where I must have spent the last few minutes staring. I look up at everyone in the room. Liam and Demi are laughing slightly and not really paying attention, so at least that means they didn't ask me something and I completely blanked them. Louis is leaning forward on the couch and holding his arm up to wave, and Harry is resting against the back of the couch we are sitting on together.

"Sorry, I was thinking." I say.

"I bet you're thinking about food. Were you?" Liam asks, still smiling at whatever he was laughing at with Demi.

"Of a sort." I pat my stomach playfully. "You know me; food's always on the mind."

"And dirty thoughts." Harry butts in, smirking at me when I send him a fake glare.

"I thought so, because I've been thinking about food for the last half an hour." Liam smiles sheepishly. "I didn't want to be rude."

"It's fine, Li. You can't offend an Irish person." Louis says and looks at me, pulling that dumb face that he always seems to when he's about mock something about my heritage. "And besides, she's always drunk anyway, so even if she wanted to get offended, she'd be too far gone to be able to land a single hit on you." He says in a horribly stereotypical Irish accent.

I flick him on the eyebrow. "I'm Irish, not a pirate. Open your damn eye."

He laughs and leans back onto the couch with Demi and Liam, the cushions shifting underneath his weight. "See? She doesn't seem offended to me," He continues, still using that stupid voice.

"Yeah, because I'm waiting until later to kill you," I say. Everyone laughs at my dumb joke.


We had all ended up getting dinner together at a new seafood restaurant that was built while I was away. Louis claimed that it was the new best restaurant around, and Liam backed him up on that. I thought it was pretty good, but I don't think Harry was impressed. "Too casual for your overly-expensive cuisine?" I teased him. He defended himself by saying that he wasn't a big fan of fish.

The next stop on Harry and I's little field trip was the Studio, where I would embarrassingly ask for my old job back. As much as I had tried to play off that I didn't care about it yesterday to everyone, Harry and I both know how much my job meant to me. I know that if I'm not able to get even a small position back, then there will really be no way for me to get my old apartment back, or even pay for any reasonably-sized housing. That's one thing I didn't miss about LA; the exorbitant prices for living arrangements here.

It was nearly 8 PM when we arrived at the Studio, but my old boss always came in early and left late, even off season, so I'm not worried that he won't be around and I'll have to come back tomorrow.

"You know what would have been smart?" I ask Harry while looking for the exact corridor that my old boss's office was on. "Calling ahead of time, instead of just walking in."

"Yeah, it is kinda rude to just walk in." Harry looks at the door down the hallway that I'm leading to. He grabs my hand and pulls on me slightly so I'll stop walking. "I think I have an idea to make it less awkward."

"It'll be awkward either way, but go ahead and tell me."

He looks around the hall, as do I. I'm not sure what he's searching for, but I do notice that no one else is in the corridor with us. "Maybe we should just wander a bit. Someone will eventually ask why we're here, and we can tell them that we're looking for your boss's office."

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