"Hey. I'm thinking about throwing a party after finals... Just by curiosity, who were you friends with in high school?" He asks me.

"Uhmm... I didn't really have much but Emilia... Oh there was this guy named Ben that Emilia hung out with for a while... Jeffery was a huge dick, but he wasn't THAT bad to be around. Oh! There was a guy named Tim there that I got along with really well." I said as I remembered high school and cringed.

"Hm... You wouldn't leave me for any of them, right?" He asked quietly.

"What are you talking about? You're asking like we are together. Also you already know that I'd leave you for Emilia any day. Ah... What a dream.." I say while laughing at the last part. He rolls his eyes and fixes his position on the couch to where he is facing me.

"You know I had a dream that I stole your car." Jack laughs.

"Oh my gosh! So did I!? Maybe it wasn't' a dream..." I laugh with him. For some reason it felt so real, and if we both had the same dream it must be true...

"Maybe we were friends in a past life?" Jack adds. That would be one hell of a life.

"Whatever, you know I don't believe in that crap, EJ." I say while rolling my eyes. Jack stops laughing and stares at me with a confused look on his face.

"Um.. Y/N?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I say back.

"Why did you call me EJ?" He asks, his head tilted to the side.

"Oh.. I don't know? That was weird.. Anyways in that dream where you stole my car, you also... um.... well.. It's kinda embarrassing, but you also kissed me and killed me.. At the same time." I say sheepishly. Honesty is the best policy, "Is that part of the past life too? Did you murder me, Jack?"

"Well there is only one way to find out." Jack says with a grin on his face, "Let's reenact it."

I shake my head no furiously. "No way you're going to get rid of me this fast and take credit for the project. No way!"

"No no no no, just the kissing scene, not the murder one." Jack laughs.

We both stare into each others eyes for a moment before I give in to his request. Just one little kiss isn't going to hurt, is it? He leans in eagerly and kisses me before we both lean back and see if there was any kind of 'spark' that people talk about when they kiss. Nope.

A couple hours later, studying now, I complain how we didn't get to make the heart and Jack just laughs at me. I sip on my hot chocolate and he just gives me this weird look like I'm eating intestines. Gross.

"You stole my heart, Jack" I joke with him about pushing my heart project away while he insisted on a kidney instead.

"You know. I might steal your heart and I might steal your car, but either way you wish you saw me coming." He says almost immediately like he had said this to me before.

I stop in my tracks of studying and look up at him, remembering that he DID say that line to me before... He was right.. We did meet in a past life..

Jack seems to remember this too, staring up at me to see if we both remember. Before I could do anything, I get a call from Slender while Jack gets a call from someone also. I immediately pick up and arrange a meeting at my house tonight.

Jack gets off the phone and looks at me, happy that everyone else remembers too. He is about to say something before he looks over to my left to see my cup of hot chocolate.

"I see. So even in this life I still hate hot chocolate.." He jokes, yet looks disgusted at the same time.

We both laugh and hug each other, not wanting to let go. Because if we let go- If I let go of EJ.. What would my life be like then...?

END .. .. .. ?



How is it going?

You seem happy..

He seems happy...

But.... Are YOU really happy?

Look, I'm not the bad guy here. I just want you to be happy..

With the right guy.

With me.

I'm not going to tell you what to do here, but I feel like you need to close this chapter of this boring book and start a new one. A new chapter. Chapter 1.

Which chapter one? You pick. Just remember, all the chapters lead back to me one way or another.

Choose wisely..

Stay here with EJ? Or leave back to where it all began.. Your choice, Y/N.

Don't worry, I won't judge.

All you have to do is press RESET.

Who am I? You haven't figured it out yet?

Haha... Hahahah.... HAhahaHAHa... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

You always were and IDIOT.

See you later reader-chan...

v e r y s o o n .

Oh yeah, I was the one who wrote you that letter saying where EJ was, not him. See? I'm helpful in herding you into a relationship faster so I can have you longer later...



"Come onnnnnnn, EJ!! It's just a teensy tiny sip of it!" I beg EJ.

"NO means NO, Y/N." EJ yells while trying to remove his arm from my grip.

"Awwww. I'll break up with you if you don't." I coax him.

"Don't care, I wouldn't let you." He says back.

"And I'll be your slave for a week if you do~" I say, inching my way to him.

He stays quiet for a moment before looking me up and down, contemplating on things he could make me do and could do to me. He finally agrees and take the cup from my hand, downing the whole cup in one swig.

"Uh.. You know there is no bonus for drinking all of it, I only asked for a sip." I say, dazzled by his actions.

"There I did it." He says, wiping his mouth with MY SLEEVE.

"What the he-" I try to say before he cuts me off.

"Now.. Give me my reward~" He says, motioning for me to come closer to him.

"Fine." I say, wrapping my arms around him and brushing my lips against his ear.

"Remember when we were in the little coffee shop and you told me that you would never drink hot chocolate, and then I said that I would eventually?"

"Um... Oh no..." He says, remembering our little bet from weeks before.

"Oh yes..~" I say, whispering in his ear, "I win."


Thank you so much for reading! But.. This is not over. You have finished EJ's route, but there is still so much more to discover... *Pressing the RESET link will bring you back to the Common Route 4 to choose a different person to end up with.*

**Remember that this story was originally posted on Quotev, so the links won't work on here. Pressing the 'reset' button would bring you back to the 4th chapter in the common route so that you can pick another person's route.**

My Imperfect (Various!Creepypastas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now