A Detrimental Mistake (5)

Start from the beginning

One night under a full moon, the people of the town gathered around an altar to wish death upon their enemies, and they laid the dead bodies of multiple animals, rare herbs, and spices and presented them as offerings to their God of the moon. On Mount Olympus, the powers of the Goddess Selene spread across the earth but the greatest portion of it fell on the Island of Crete.

On that night, her powers contaminated the air and water and subsequently changed most of the people on the island to both Vampires and Werewolves. The Pseirans were turned into animalistic werewolves and the Zominthans to Vampires for the coldness in their hearts. From this little island came the largest number of recorded Vampires and werewolves, all transformed by the powers of both Selene and Hecate.


While most histories about witches and warlocks originate from European folklore, the truth is that the first group of witches did not come from Europe. Like vampires and werewolves, they were far off because Europe had and still has the most witches and warlocks per square mile. Witches and Warlocks are the only supernatural creatures who didn't lose their human form when exposed to the power of the Gods. The origin of 'witchcraft' stems from Africa. In 332 BC, Alexander the Great was welcomed as a liberator in Persian-occupied Egypt. He founded Alexandria in Egypt, which would become the prosperous capital of the Ptolemaic dynasty after his death.

Alexander during his reign discovered a small town in the hills of Alexandria, which consisted of people who were able to perform magic using various objects. These people were known as the "Shahara People". In their village, Northpass, they dwelled peacefully but due to the harsh conditions of the weather and the land, times grew hard. One by one, persons in the village started dying out and to save their town the people prayed to the Gods. Lucky for them the slow collapse of their society took place during the war of the Gods. Hades's magical remnants and the powerful outpouring of residual magic from Hecate were the main catalysts that caused witches to be formed once again.

The Shahara people were the first set of witches out of Africa but they were not the last. In Egypt, a rebellion against Alexander the Great was launched by former members of the Shahara people, who left upon his arrival. They were also transformed into Witches and swore vengeance on him. Whilst the faction that remained stayed loyal to him. Not only did their powers fall in Egypt, but also in South Africa, on a tribe of people, who were all individually given powers. In Jakarta, a tribe consisting of two hundred and forty persons were at war with each other and subsequently split themselves down into groups of three, one hundred and twenty in each.

When the powers from Olympus fell down to the earth, the first one hundred and twenty were males were known as Thakatas. They desired to murder the foreigners; they were given the powers of poison, weather, natural disasters and necromancy. Significantly, they were the most powerful of the three. Second behind them are the Sangomas, a group of males and females, who possessed attributes of the other two. They were extremely dark in deeds but possessed compassion; something the rest severely lacked. The third and final group, the Witchdoctors, contrasted that of the Thakatas. They dressed frightening but their intentions were pure in nature, seeing how they'd rather poison the foreigners, giving them slow deaths, rather than unnecessary bloodshed.


Off the coast of south-western Italy, near Paestum or between Sorrento and Capri

Sirens were beautiful yet dangerous creatures who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting voices, to shipwreck them on the rocky coast of their island. Mermaids were creatures whose lower bodies were fish and upper halves human. They were similar yet different creatures from the sirens. In essence, a seafaring siren is a corrupted mermaid, but the reality is they existed before the mermaids. Sky faring Sirens were created by Persephone (the daughter of Demeter and Zeus and the wife of Hades), as companions for her during her lonely days.

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