High School

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~Belle Lighterson~:

I tried my best to keep my head down as I quickly walked up the steps of the high school.

Summer just ended, as fall was approaching fast-thankfully.

I practically ran to my locker, doing the usual stuff. When suddenly, my best friend, Natalie appeared against the lockers next to mine.

"Hey!" Natalie smiled.

"Hey. " I smiled back.

Natalie was a beautiful 16-year old. She was built, skinny, tan, with long blond hair, and bright green eyes.

Gods, she's so pretty. But watch out- cause she can kick butt too. She'll explode on anyone if you mess with her.

Natalie jumped up and down twice before stopping, "GUESS WHAAATT?!"

"WHAAATT?" I smiled. We probably look like idiots to other people.

Natalie smiled, "I MISSED YOU!!" She suddenly hugged me.

I giggled, hugging her back. "I missed ya too. It was a long summer."

Natailie groaned, "Yeah I know, staying inside the whole summer and reading and watching Netflix and urrggh. I cant imagine what you had to go through."

I giggled, "Yeah, urgh, it was torture. So how are you?"
She rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. You?"
I shut my locker and grabbing my notebooks and things. "I'm okay. "

Natalie's eyes lit up, "OMG GUESS WHAT?!"

"What?" I sighed.


Everyone in the hallways were looking at us like we were crazy. Again.

I shook my head, "Cool? I guess?"

"Cool? ITS GREA- BABE!" Natalie smiled widely as Jay walked over.

Jay was Natalie's boyfriend, but we've all been friends since he came to town about two years ago. He's like a brother to me.

Jay had tan skin, was tall, and built, brown hair, and blue eyes. I swear, sometimes he looked like he is my brother!

Jay walked over to us, smiling, "Hey guys. " He hugged Natalie, before letting her go. But held her hand.

I shipped it.

Natalie smiled, "Hey, J."

I waved, "Hey."

"So did you girls hear about the new students?" Jay asked.

I groaned as Natalie glared at me. "Yes." we both said at the same time.

Jay chuckled. "So, anything new?"
I sighed, "My parents left for a trip for a few days. "

Jay shrugged, "Cool."

Natalie gasped, "Really?! Sweet."

I smiled and sighed dreamily, "Yeahh.. I'm going to watch anime and shows on the big tv.."

Natalie face-palmed herself as Jay laughed.

I swear, I could hear Natalie mumbling something about me and my fictional characters.

I smiled widely, "So.."

Jay suddenly interrupted, "So, I've heard that one of the new students, again like one of those ''leaders' of the school' guy is actually pretty scary.."

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