Rebel Daze: Season Finale {7}

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Sang Sorenson


Roar by Katy Perry

*Date Published*

May 15, 2016


This is the final chapter and end of this story. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read my story and hope that you enjoyed Sang in a Rebel Daze. If you haven't, check out Sang in a Childhood Daze (a fully edited short story also by me). OH and Happy Update Day everyone :-)

*Episode 7*

I Am Sangrida, Hear Me Roar

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Rebellion Tip 6:

Believe there's good in the world.

BE the good in the world.

Be unforgettable.

Be you.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Our two weeks were ending, and my Rebel Daze had left me feeling refreshed, amazed, exhausted, and most of all thoroughly loved.

We were currently lounging around the pool, the heady aroma of smoke from meat on the barbecue grill permeating the air and invading our senses easily bringing with it memories of past holidays and family fun times.

I was clothed in yet another "Bad Girl" outfit, handpicked by Gabriel: a top that had arrows and the words Weekend Warrior and cutoff shorts.

Underneath it, I wore a brand 2 piece

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Underneath it, I wore a brand 2 piece. This bathing suit had a really cute pattern that was very different from my usual; at first look it reminded me of a tiger's pattern but then, if you look closer, it's just a lot of swirls. The colors blended really beautifully. I took off the shirt and shorts when we came outside to the pool and Luke put my sunscreen on (though I had to endure quite a bit of tickling and "adult" touches while he did so).

It showed off my new bellybutton piercing which Sean approved when he approved my ear piercings and tongue piercing

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It showed off my new bellybutton piercing which Sean approved when he approved my ear piercings and tongue piercing. However, I decided not to get my tongue pierced. I had taken into account the fact that some of the guys said that they wouldn't like the piercing while others emphatically had stated that they would love it.

After I discussed the potential hazards and all that I would have to do (and give up temporarily) with Sean, I also took into account that I should do what I want. Besides isn't that the purpose of my rebel daze, to make me think of myself?

In the end, I had both ears pierced once and a belly button ring.

My hair was still pink, but I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to keep the color. The guys continued to assure me that it was a beautiful color, and that I had not completely messed up the dye job. Still, I felt that tiny bit of sadness inside whenever I looked into a mirror and no longer recognized that girl as Sangrida Sorenson.

She was Sang, loved by 9 amazing men. She was a rebel. She did fun, outrageous, popular things. She stood up for what she believed in. Frankly she roared like a lion while the old me meowed like a kitten. She wasn't afraid to be that person.

She scared me.

But then again, she really truly didn't.

If I had learned nothing from my Childhood Daze it was that you should always believe that there is good in the world. And that you should strive to be that good.

And if I'd learned nothing from my Rebel Daze, it was that you should do all that you can to be unforgettable. But mainly that, if you don't want to be forgotten, you just need to be you.

I would be legendary because my mark is being made on the world through the unconditional love I feel for my guys and the work that we as a family do with the help of the Academy.

I realized through these past two weeks that they didn't give me these Dazes because they thought I needed to grow up. Or even really because they thought I was missing something.

They gave me them because they wanted the same thing for me that I wanted for every single one of them. They just wanted me to be happy.

Maybe one day I would have another kind of daze, I mused silently while watching the guys race across the pool with Nathan shooting ahead of Kota and Silas holding Luke's ankles since he'd tried to cheat by getting a head start.

But all I knew for a certainty, is that I would have these guys and more moments like this. Moments where a smile was just a glance away.

Moments where a laugh was always right at the tip of my tongue, I added when I saw Kane approaching where I was seated on a chaise, huge smile adorning his face and dimples showing while handing me an old favorite: Cacao Bubblegum Surprise.

Moments where 9 different men decide that I, Sang Sorenson, was something special. And that was all I would ever need to be happy.

I am Sangrida and, from now on, the world's gonna hear me roar.

*Word Count* 815

[ This chapter has not been edited. ]

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