Rebel Daze: Episode {2}

874 67 8


Sang Sorenson


Testify by Common

*Date Published*

May 15, 2016

*Episode 2*

Do Rebels Get Arrested?

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

"Put your hands above your head, make slow movements, and turn to face the wall."

The man's stern voice was a pale comparison of Owen's but I knew it would be beyond crazy to not follow his instructions. I heard his radio crackle to life before he began speaking into it, "I've caught the ne'er-do-wells. I'm bringing them in."

Nathan's body heat reached out and momentarily comforted me from my left, his hands above his head and planted firmly against the wall. He seemed completely at ease. I wondered if he'd ever been to jail before this, because I knew I for one would be freaking out if I wasn't sure they wouldn't risk my ghost status by letting us be arrested. There had to be some plan behind this. I just hoped they'd initiate it soon.

I turned quickly speaking "Before you lock us away-"

With a shake of the head, Nathan told me not to go any further. Please have a plan.

The security officer came closer to us declaring "Don't try any funny business." I caught the glint of silver in his hands moments before he was yanking at Sean's wrists, pulling them behind his back, and locking them together.

Okay guys, time to jump out screaming surprise. Any moment now.

The officer moved on to Nathan's wrists, securing them with a few jiggles and shakes before finally moving onto me.

His hands seemed to linger on my skin (the touch was not sexual but rather friendly, maybe even regretful) as he reached for and grabbed my hands. As he allowed the cold metal to surround my wrists, I caught a faint but familiar scent. Thank God, I thought, but the scent-or rather the person that I usually connected to it--wasn't helping.

The officer finished cuffing me before stepping away and demanding we all move, single-file, and follow the female officer who must have arrived after his radio conversation. Her long raven black hair hung to the middle of her back and I briefly wondered that, if Gabriel was here, he'd be demanding to know what kind of treatments she used in it. It was long, shiny, and looked very healthy.

The male officer's hair was long as well, but jet black and split in the middle with the ends hanging to his chin and his features leant themselves towards Mediterranean or maybe Native American. He had an olive complexion and thick, strong looking muscles but wasn't quite Silas-level.

"Officer..." I paused to read his nametag, "Toma, I'm sure this is all just one big mistake. If you accuse me of something, then you need to let me testify and prove my innocence." My gulp was audible, a sign that hopefully either Sean or Nathan would pick up on because honestly I was starting to worry. Just a little.

I was Academy trained, after all, and a Ghost Bird. Not to mention I had 7 other guys who would go crazy along with these 2 if I was truly arrested. I'm just not sure why this is seeming so...well, real. Why aren't the guys stopping this?

The officer narrowed his eyes at me. "So you think you're smarter than me? You're insulting my intelligence?"

"No," my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. Where would he get that idea?

Sang in a Rebel Daze {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें