Chapter 4

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Previously in Unspoken:

     “I am just doing my job Ma’am.” said Mr. Collin helplessly.


“If you don’t sign this document, he will fire me.”  said Mr. Collin.


“Give it to me.” El said through gritted teeth.


“Here Ma’am.” said Mr. Collin while passing the file to her. El signed it.


“Leave.” said Elena and Mr. Collin left the room because he knows that there’s no use of staying any longer.


      Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too.

      Mr. Colin exited the drawing room and took out his cell out of his pocket and dialed a number.He waited for the other person to pick up.
“Collin speaking sir. She signed it.” Mr. Collin informed and listened to the other person’s reply.

“No sir. I didn’t ask her that.” Mr. Collin said choking at his own saliva.

“But sir---Hello- Hello? “ The other person hung up.
Mr. Collin sighed and turned around to see Emma holding the glass of juice.

“Ah you startled me young lady.” Mr. Collin said.

“You are leaving?” Emma asked him clearly ignoring the fact that she overheard his conversation.

She surely wasn’t in a good mood after what El did to her. She practically ordered Em to bring juice for Mr. Collin. “The nerve of that girl “Emma thought.

“Yeah I am done.” Mr. Collin replied.

“You are exhausted! Want to drink some?”  Emma offered.

“No thanks.” Mr. Collin said nervously “I better get going now”

“Okay” Emma nodded and turned away.

“Wait” Mr. Collin called from behind her.

“Yes?” Emma asked.

“A-ac-actually I would like to drink some.” Mr. Collin stammered.

“Yeah sure. Here.” Emma hand over the glass while smiling.

Emma watched him amused as he drank the whole juice in one gulp and placed the empty glass back on the tray.

“Thanks. Bye.” And with that he bolted out of the house and Emma just stand there dumbfounded.

“You are welcome” Emma mumbled after a few seconds.

“I better check on El” Emma thought and entered the drawing room. Elena was sitting on the sofa with her head holding in her hands and her elbows on her knees.

“Is everything okay ?” Emma asked taking seat beside her.

“Yes. Everything is okay.” Elena replied while getting up.
But Emma knew somehow that everything is not okay. Emma felt the need to comfort her friend even though she doesn’t know what’s going on. And Emma also knows that El doesn’t like sympathy or affection.
“Everything is going to be alright, not today but eventually.” Emma said in a soft voice placing her hand on Emma’s shoulder.

Unspoken (1D Fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon