Chapter Fourteen

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Okay so I got an new chapter written, It's kind of short but that's okay because i really like it. This week I have Thursday and Friday off of school so it will be pre-written instead of a last minute rush :P

This chapter goes out to DnGPrincess for being my newest fan :D number nine :) Thank you :D

Jake's POV

'Dear Jake,

I know your aren't happy with me right now, but please hear me out. I just want to explain what happened and how sorry I am. I never meant to just have sex with you; I don't know exactly what came over me. I missed everything about you well I was away. I really had wanted to talk to you, to tell you how I feel and how sorry I am about everything I've done to you in the last year. Since I messed up last time we met in person, and you don't want to see me again I was hoping that I could explain to you through this letter.

I know that running away was a crappy decision but it really helped me think and get my mind straight. Leaving you for Zoey was a mistake, it wasn't really love. But I was stuck in the memory of my first love and how it didn't end the way I had hoped. It ended because Zoey had a skating accident and lost her memory. She never got all of her memories back but even if she did it wouldn't have worked out. We grew apart during the years we didn't talk and I grew closer to you.

Now I bet you're wondering how Melody plays in to all of this. Before I went to see you, Melody and I broke up with each other. I knew that it wouldn't have worked out with her either, simply because she wasn't and would never be you.

Even if you hate me now and never want me back I'll always fight to be with you. I won't give up on you because you're the only person I can truly be happy with. You're the only one who knows every little thing about me, you're the reason I came home. I hope one day you'll see that

 With all my love,


I was shocked to say the least, out of all people I never expected Zander to be sending me a romantic letter. I can't even believe that he remembered my weakness for old Victorian romance. No one else had ever remembered that. This was the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me. I'm glad he took some time to explain everything that went on in his head and in his life for the past few months.

But I wasn't sure if I was ready to let him back into my life. Or at least not back in the romantic part of it. But I also know that I couldn't trust myself to be around him without doing something stupid, which I've already proven. But I don't feel that bad about what happened in the theater since he wasn't cheating on Melody.

Speaking of her, we've recently become friends in a way. She came over to see how I was doing after she heard about what happened with Zander and I. I knew that something weird was going on because she didn't seem that upset that something had happened. My guess is that Melody is giving Zander updates on my well being. He always was one to make sure everyone was all right.

I guess he's even more concerned now after watching what happened to Zoey. I can almost promise that he's blaming himself deep down inside. He's probably the one who needs someone watching over him, not me. The guilt's going to get to him eventually and this time he might do something worse then run away.

 I guess I should probably spend more time thinking about whether I should let him back into my heart or not, instead of making multiple rash decisions. That's more likely to leave me heartbroken than waiting it out a few days and thinking everything through.

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