Chapter Nine

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This chapter goes out to Keepcalmandfckall for becoming my fan like two weeks ago along with two toher, but seeing as i only put out a chapter a week it took awhile:/ sorry about the wait but i hope you lika this and thanks for ebcoming my fan :D

Comment or Vote or something, this is the longest chapter so far in this story :D yay for that :P I have a surprise for all fo you coming up ;p but it won't be out unless you guys comment and vote on the coming chapters. :P


Zander’s POV

The drive home was the same basic routine. I drove until I could barely keep my eyes open, checked into a crappy hotel, slept for a few hours then was back on the road. I barely ate anything and barley got a good nights’ worth of sleep. But I made it back home faster then I made it to get there. I think it’s because this time I had a goal. I was going to get Jake back, no matter what.

I was going to prove to him that I loved him more than anything in the world. That I wasn’t in love with Zoey I was in love with the memory of Zoey. That Melody was just a phase, I way to make myself feel better. But really that just made me a douche bag, but somehow some way I was going to show him that I loved him. He made me a better person and I believe that somehow I might make him a better person.

But I doubt that, there was no one better then Jake. It seemed impossible for him to be any better then he already was. He was a perfect as any human can be. He was kind, excepting, loyal, dependable, attractive and smart. Along with so many other things I can’t name. He was everything that anyone could ask for. I was lucky that I had gotten to call him mine and I hope I was lucky enough to be able to call him mine again.

This time though I plan on doing things right. I swear I won’t even look at another guy without his permission. Or hang out and talk to anyone without his consent. Anything it takes to get him back. Afer I confront my parents and end things with Melody. But that means I have to wait for tomorrow to talk to him, which sucks. I’ll call him tonight and let him know that I arrived and I want to see him tomorrow. When I see him I’ll explain everything, apologize for being an idiot and for it taking so long for me to get here.

I’ll even apologize that I couldn’t see him today but I wanted to get everything done so that our meeting could go as smoothly as possible. And so it wouldn’t have to be cut short. That I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible because I missed him. But first I have to get through my to-do list for today. That started with confronting my parents.

I pulled into my parent’s driveway slowly, hoping that they were home so I could get this over with. To my joy their cars where in the drive way and they were peaking out of the curtains. I wonder if they hoped it was me. I turned my car off, took a deep breath and stepped out of my car. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

“Zander!” my mom screamed running out the door and crushing me in a hug. My dad followed behind her, not saying anything.  He never was an emotional guy but you could see in his eyes he was happy that I was home.

“Hi mom, hi dad.” I whispered losing my voice slightly. I missed them, I really did. They were great parents. They accepted me when I came out and never treated me any differently. They respected all of my decisions even when I broke their heats.

“Why did you leave?” my mom sobbed. I felt my heart clench in guilt. I had done this to my mom when all she ever did was love me.

“Why don’t we go inside and discuss this over hot chocolate?” My dad put in. My mom and I both nodded, not able to do anything else. The inside of the house looked the same, almost as if nothing changed. It was clean as always. I had really missed it here even though I hadn’t realized it. My dad went and made hot chocolate as my mom pulled me into another hug. She was still crying and obviously shocked but slowly she was getting a grip of herself. Which was a good thing because I was starting to lose my grip and almost cried along with her.

Moving On (BoyxBoy) UNEDITEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin