My One and Only Blossom

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At an inn in Magnolia, at midnight, after coming back from the chaos of Fairy Tail...

[Jellal POV]

I walked into my room that I had payed to live in for a couple of days. I took my cloak like jacket off and set it on a chair in the corner of the room. I put my new kitten down on the mattress and went into the bathroom.

Why does that cat remind me of Erza? Oh! I came to tell her something important and she wasn't here... *sigh* hopefully she will tomorrow.

I took my shirt off, leaving me shirtless. I went out of the bathroom with just some shorts. But when I came the room I saw the most delicate image.

I saw the window slightly open, the curtains blowing in with the night breeze, and the midnight moon's light seeping through it. When I followed the light to the bed I saw my kitten. Her flashing red fur was gently blowing, and she was peacefully looking out at the moon and the buildings under it. She turned her head when she heard me move toward her. You could clearly see her bronze eyes through the darkness look into mine. She is so pretty.

[Erza POV]

I was looking at the moon when I heard the creak of the wood and turned my head to see Jellal without a top. Wha-? Why? But- That's not appropriate... I mean its not like I couldn't get used to it... But still!

He came over and sat on the bed, I felt my cheeks start to burn up.

Thank goodness I'm a cat... and with red fur...

"I think I am going to call you Blossom." He suddenly spoke, after a minute or two of silence, "It makes sense, your beautiful scarlet fur. It matches you perfectly."

"What a nice name!" Although I was a cat and he definitely wouldn't have understood me, I responded with as much joy as I would have had if I was in human form.

In that moment I really noticed how cool Jellal looked. He had that beautiful blue hair that was slightly ruffled from all of the chaos he had gone through earlier in the day, his skin a bit tan with that red mark over his right eye, and he had those brown eyes. So mesmerizing... NO! Snap out of it Erza, I have to stick to the plan that all the girls came up with! We are going to find a cure and change back to our normal form! Yep... Jellal is so cute

He then picked me up and laid down on the bed, putting me right up against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and his chest moving up and down in a nice, slow pace.

"Why can you not tell? I obviously have feelings for you... NO! I MUST stay on task!" I was trying to tell him, knowing that he wouldn't understand and I'm glad he didn't cause I was freaking out.

A couple minutes later, I felt his breathing had gotten even slower and steadier, his heart had slowed down to a more relaxed pace. He muse be asleep.. PERFECT TIME FOR SEARCHING HIS ROOM!

I got up, he shifted a bit but I was able to get by.

I walked to his bedside table where I saw his phone, I pressed the button to turn it on. The lock screen made my heartbeat fast and my face heat up.

It was a picture of when we had gone to a new years festival. I was in a pink yukata with fireworks of different colors scattered on it, Jellal was behind me with a blue yukata with the same design. He had taken his mask off for a second to get the picture taken, his face was blushed and had a small smile on his face while looking at me. While I stood next to him holding up a piece sign with one hand and had my other arm slung around his shoulder. I was smiling the brightest smile, a smile HE could only get me to smile.

It was a memory I could never forget. Then I saw that flower in my hair, it was a beautiful ruby flower that I had said was my favorite flower. I remembered that he had picked it off of a random bush and put it in my hair once the bell rang midnight and the fireworks went up, it was a moment I will and have forever cherished.

I got my eyes off the picture and jumped off the table and ran, careful to not make a sound, and went to his small old trunk.

Inside sat a few things, some lacrimas that I didn't bother to look at, a couple papers that I had no interest in, a couple clothes that looked okay, and then I saw the final item that really caught my eye, it was a small navy box.

I curiously jumped for it when I felt an arm rap around my chest while I was still midair, it stopped me from getting to the box. I was slightly disappointed when he took the box for me.

He turned me around and brought me to a small chair in the corner of the room.

"You sneaky one... It's cute watching you run around.." He smirked.

I sat there, still extremely curious to how he noticed me, what he was going to do, and most importantly, what was in that mysterious box?

Is it some poison? Maybe a bomb? No, Jellal wouldn't go back to the dark side... or would he? No way!

He then kneeled with one foot in front of me, he had a mild blush on his face and wasn't looking at me properly. OK, now what is he planning... Should I run away? Call for help?

He took my hand... er paw and said with a soft, gentle voice, "Will you be my girlfriend.." He looked away from the box he had been intently staring at in his palm and looked at me with those spruce colored eyes, "Erza Scarlet?"


I was back in my normal form, in a tank top and shorts, the pajamas I had been wearing at Lucy's.

But that didn't matter at that moment, the room was quiet while I was trying to register what had happened in the last minute.

My brain registered that he was kneeling in front of me, our hands gently holding the other.

The case was opened now, it had that same flower, that same ruby flower, my favorite flower. He took the flower out, took his hand out of mine and gently moved the hair that was covering my right eye around my ear and put the flower on.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words would come out.

He took that slight moment and kissed me, I hesitated but less than a second later I melted into it. Although it was only a five second kiss it felt like five minutes. He held my shoulders with his hands and looked straight into my eyes and right into my soul.

[Jellal POV]

"You are my flower, my blossom, my ruby blossom, a blossom that I want to see everyday blooming, a blossom that I miss when I'm away, a blossom that I love with all my heart, Erza Scarlet will you be my girlfr-?!" I was stopped by Erza's lips, my eyes widened when seeing her kissing me with as much passion as when I had kissed her only a couple seconds before.

She quickly retreated to look at me.

When I heard the words I have wanted to hear since I met her at the Tower of Heaven.

"I would love to, Jellal Fernandez, I will be your blooming, ruby blossom,"

I took in her words, letting out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. But she wasn't done.

"As long as you're the water and sun that keeps me blooming." She looked into me with the most gentle smile on her face. I didn't hesitate to answer,

"I will be your water and sun, and make you bloom your brightest everyday."

She then put on a beaming smile that I rarely got to see, with small bit of tears on the corners of her eyes.

I hugged her, silence rang through the room for a couple of moments,

"You are my one and only blossom."

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