tag thing

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i was tagged to do this by XXxWhySoSeriousxXX 

1. Five favorite bands:

nirvana, alice in chains, my chemical romance, brand new, + parkway drive

2. Current favorite Song:

probably Keep It On Wax by Alexisonfire or Travel Hymn by Circa Survive

3. All time favorite song:

well damn, that's hard... i like way too much shit, lmao. but a couple stellar tunes that i will probably always really love are All Apologies by Nirvana and Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance

4. Band(s) that I hate but everyone else likes:

a good chunk of my friend circle enjoys black veil brides, which baffles me. they're unoriginal and sound extremely bland. also i know this isn't really a specific band, more so just a genre in general, but k-pop?? i really don't get the extreme hype behind it.

5. Band(s) I love that everyone else hates:

One Direction. Every time I mention them in a positive light, I immediately get shit on for it. Then no one takes me seriously when I say I like heavier music?? And it's like hey bud, i can be a huge fan of both, fuck off. there was a really long time where i denied liking them, as well as pop music in general, because i would get teased. now i really could give less of a shit about people's irrelevant ass opinions.

6. Band member crushes:

Honestly, most of the time I don't get enormous crushes on band members. Sure I can admit they're really pretty, but mostly I wish I could be just friends with all of them. That goes for Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Layne Staley, Gerard Way, etc etc. the only band member that I've ever had a full blown crush on was Frank Iero. He's an amazing person, and I still can't even believe I met him??? Like he's one of the most sincere sweet people I've ever met??? ahhhhh

7. Have I been to any concerts, and if so, what bands were they for:

I've been lucky enough to where I've been to quite a few concerts. The bands I've seen include One Direction, Alice In Chains, everyone on the parks and devastation tour [this consisting of A Day To Remember, Bring Me The Horizon, Motionless In White, + Chiodos], Pearl Jam, Fall Out Boy, frnkiero andthe cellabration, and Against Me!. Before these, I was taken to a Styx concert, but at the time I wasn't into classic rock, so I couldn't appreciate the music that much.

8. Band Merchandise:

i have way too much of this, listing all of the shit i have would take me at least another hour. and I'm functioning on 2 and a half hours of sleep at the moment, + I need to sleep soon, so I won't list all of my stuff. but trust me when i say that it's quite a lot.

9. Opinions on mainstream music:

It's music man. If it's good, I'll like it. If it's not, I won't. Popularity doesn't affect the music experience for me. For example, twenty one pilots are starting to become big and 'mainstream'. do i still love them though? yes. i'm not a god damn hipster, lmao

10. If I had a band, what instrument would I play and what would the band be called:

man, I'd want to shred on the electric guitar, but realistically I'd probably try to pull off being a singer that doesn't play an instrument.
unlike mikey way, i'm terrible at coming up with band names, so that last bit i'll skip. but i can say that i hope that the genre this hypothetical band will play is either punk or metal.

11. Any extra things I want to add or answer:

I feel as if there should be a favorite album section. Like current favorite album, and all time favorite. My top 3 all time favorite albums are MTV Unplugged In New York by Nirvana, On Letting Go by Circa Survive, + Deja Entendu by Brand New. Top 3 favorite albums at the moment include Crisis by Alexisonfire, The Things We Think We're Missing by Balance and Composure, and Songs About Leaving by Carissa's Wierd.


anyway I've been stressed out and busy with like twenty million things, so sorry for the long wait on roses. it's been getting harder and harder to write lately. hopefully i'll get inspired to add more to it soon.

Xø - t.

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