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Roses hit 1k???? this is so rad????

my biggest wish for that book is that it surpasses The Sky Under The Sea in popularity, votes, and comments. I want Roses to kick TSUTS's ass, totally fucking annihilate it, make it be almost forgotten.


TSUTS... that book... is not well written. The plot, I do like the general plot, but the way it was carried out was just overall disappointing.

After Roses, I don't know what I'll write.

See, I can come up with rad story ideas, but usually I have to have an ending in sight in order for me to feel motivated to write it. Because like, I can make a stellar beginning, and totally wing the middle, as long as I have a solid endpoint that I know I eventually must get to.

i sort of want to write a Larry fic??? Just so I can say I redeemed myself from the horrible wreckage that was The Reaper.

@ whoever read that fic; I'm so sorry. Lmao

Half of the comments were from people trying to correct me. In that book, Louis's nickname was 'Louie', and it was used so god damn often that it was just gross.

So people would literally put '****Louis' on there. And it really pissed me off?? Like I obviously fucking know his name is Louis, you really think that I'm that stupid??
Like, okay buddy, bye


so potatoyoghurt had a q&a, and I asked stuff, and I honestly started panicking as I read the answers leading up to my questions?? also I was panicking when I read the answers to the shit I asked?? like my brain was screaming and i still regret asking my really crappy quality questions.

i wish i was more creative when it came to those kinds of things.

[ cue internal shrieking ]

also i got a 20$ fye gift card for Easter and I'm hyped to get some stuff. Probably will end up getting a couple CDs or maybe a shirt, I dunno, we'll see. it'll be rad though.

also? I got 'No Closer To Heaven' by The Wonder Years.
That's such a rad album. Usually I find things labeled under the 'pop punk' moniker to be lame, bland, and repetitive. They all just sound the same to me, to be quite honest.
But also, those bands usually have a couple of really spectacular songs that stand out. You have to sift through trash to find true treasure, lmao.

But anyway, that's one of the rare pop punk albums that I find thoroughly enjoyable. Like, it sort of reminds me of Brand New?? Especially the song 'Palm Reader', the riff and the vocals sound like something right off of Deja Entendu.

I fucking love Brand New. I don't like their first album, but everything after that is a masterpiece.

There's like a couple other band exceptions to my bitterness about pop punk, like Modern Baseball, Sum 41, and A Day To Remember.

Although ADTR isn't really pop punk??? Some of their songs are super heavy??? I don't know what exactly to call them.

Genre labels are fucking overrated anyway, lmao, it doesn't matter if it's death metal or black metal or deathcore or whatever??? All that matters in the end is that you like it???

I sound so hypocritical since I literally was just stressing over what to call ADTR.
Although twenty one pilots is even worse, I'm not even going to try to give them a genre, lmao.

I used to be one of those 'my music scares people' kind of people, oh god that phase was disgusting. I tried so hard to be edgy. But like?? Again, who seriously gives a shit if your music is aggressive and screams??

Like usually the biggest reaction you'll get from talking about it to someone who isn't into that music is like 'oh, okay, good for you pal.'

also, don't act superior to people just because you like certain music.

Like I also used to be like that??? It's seriously really douchey.

Let people who enjoy pop music enjoy it in peace.
Honestly though, at one point every genre was what was considered 'pop'. Classic rock in the 60s and 70s was the pop of that time. Hair metal was the pop of the 80s. Grunge was the pop of the 90s. Hard rock (and occasionally emo shit) was the pop of the 2000s.

Guess what
The music you're listening to
Is probably pop of some form

Pop is literally short for popular, any popular band could be classified as pop.

W o w
Isn't that something???

Some of my friends are still in their 'trying to be edgy' phases and it's honestly just sad. I will cheer and throw a party for the day when they get out of that pit.

anyway I'm going to promo one masterpiece of a tumblr blog?? Because I find it great???


A sample of their lovely art;

look at thishow spectaculari love this and I don't know why like it's ruining my childhoodbut at the same time it's greatlike @ my childhood; get rekt

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look at this
how spectacular
i love this and I don't know why
like it's ruining my childhood
but at the same time
it's great
like @ my childhood; get rekt


I'm gonna go

Xø. T

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