Chapter 21: Always

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I closed the door to my room, leaning my back against in. I took a deep breath leaning my head back on the door. One of my hands was on the door hand, the other pushed behind my back. A small smile played on my lips, I bit my bottom lip to try to keep myself from smiling any bigger but failed, a large smile appearing on my face. Now it was my turn to be all bubbly. I bit my lip once more, closing my eyes, shaking my head slowly. What was I getting myself into? Oh, that's easy... Only the best thing that's happened to me in the apocalypse. 

I sighed and walking further into my room, placing my key in the small bowl that sat on the dresser. I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went into the bathroom, changing into some stretchy leggings and a muscle tank top, one of the outfits I normally sleep in. I looked into the mirror at myself and couldn't help but smile. I walked out of the bathroom, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I went to get into bed when there was a knock at the door. I sighed once more and got up, crossing to the door. 

Knock knock knock "ALEX" A young voice belonging to Ryan called through the door. 

I opened it and looked down upon the boy, "Yes Ryan?" I asked him. 

"In in in!" He cried, pushing me inside and closing the door behind him with his foot. He pushed me back and sat me down on the nearest bed which was Skyler's. 

"Can I help you Ryan?" I held back a small laugh. 

"James kissed you!?!" He nearly yelled. 

"Ryan! Keep your voice down! You want the whole floor to hear you!?" I told him in a loud whispered tone. I could feel my cheeks get hot, I'm sure they were a blushing red if I saw them. 

"Sorry..." He said softly, "James kissed you?!" He repeated, this time in a hushed voice. 

"So rumor spreads that fast in Auxilium, eh?" I scoffed. 

"James isn't good at being discrete about things he's excited about" Ryan explained. 

"He was excited?" I once again held back a laugh. 

"Oh gosh you shoulda' seen him! He came in so happy I thought he was going to do a victory dance or something!" Ryan continued, between soft giggles.

I chuckled softly, biting my lips into a line to try to keep myself from laughing out loud. 

Pause - So I'm guessing your probably wondering what happened right... Between the whole 'I completely agree' thing to 'I closed the door'... Well I figured I'd just let you wreath to wonder what my first kiss what like... Dang, can't do it... So basically it was the most amazing thing... Butterflies, sparks, fireworks, the whole nine yards... Pretty much the best moment of my life so far... Anyway, back to the story... 

"So.. James kissed you!?" Ryan squealed. 

I laughed again, "Yes Ryan... Yes he did" I rolled my eyes. 

"FINALLY!!!!" He bounced up and down a few times. 

I laughed loudly at his excitement, "Oh Ryan" I said through laughing. 

He hugged me tightly and laughed with me. 

I honestly loved this kid so much... He was the best little brother I could ask for... Even though he wasn't my actual little brother he was the closest thing I had to one. After a few more minutes of conversation he left and went back to his room. I then crawled into bed and turned out the lamp on my bedside table.


The next morning I woke up and got ready to go down to breakfast. Last night I didn't have any nightmares what so ever, which was a first. I normally have some kind of nightmare, even if its just small and I simply sleep through it. I then left my room, putting my key in my pocket and headed to breakfast. I met Nolen, Jacob and Arlington on the way. 

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