Chapter 13: I'll Tell Rebeca

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"Alex, go back, get some rest... I'll talk to Rebeca about what happened at lunch" James explained to me, his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine James" I tried to tell him.

"Alex you have stitches in your arm! You just killed four moaners! Go get some rest!" He exclaimed at my stubbornness.

"Fine.... Be careful would you?" I asked him.

"Ah so this is why you won't leave... Your worried about me" He said with a mischievous smirk and raised eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes "Not anymore... I'm going now.... Just..." I sigh "Be careful... You never know where there might be a moaner around the corner" I said softly.

He nodded "I promise" He smirked and walked down the hall.

Promise... That word I have nightmares and dreams about... Promise the one word that makes me light up inside with memories and shutter from fear. Promise... That one word.

I sighed and turned on my heels, walking to the elevator. Once inside I go to the fifth floor and walk to my room. Once inside my room I look to see Skyler isn't there... I take a deep breath and knock on Katie's divider door. No one answers. I figure their probably together doing something then. I'm decide I'm bored and lonely. I grab my key and walk to Ryan's door.

I knock on Ryan's door. Ryan lives in his own room with a divider door to Nolen and James' room, like ours and Katie's.

The door opens and I look to fine Ryan "Hi Alex!" He smiles brightly.

"Hey bud... What's up?" I asked casually.

"Not much... You?" He asked.

"Fine... I was bored" I smiled.

"Oh.. Gotcha" He smiles "Crazy what happened in the cafeteria, huh?" He asked as he let me into his room.

"Yeah... That was a new one" I smirked as I walked in, thinking about how crazy it really was.

"Yup" He sighed, plopping himself in a chair.

"James and Nolen went to tell Rebeca about what happened... And Skyler and Katie are gone... Which kind of makes me nervous considering there were moaners in the cafeteria... There could be moaners anywhere... And Skyler and Katie could be anywhere" I almost rambled.

"They'll be fine I'm sure" Ryan nodded.

Suddenly there was a knock on his divider door. Ryan got up and opened the door leading to James' and Nolen's room. There in the doorway stood James.

"Hey, have you seen Al-" He cut himself off when he saw me sitting in a chair in Ryan's room. "Alex! There you are!" He said walking in.

"Here I am" I smiled.

"I told you to get some rest" He told me.

"Wasn't tired" I smiled slightly bigger.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes "So rebellious" He sighed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I mean she is a rebellious little flower!" Ryan smiled big.

"That's right!" I smiled, putting my arms out.

"James, did you see Katie and Skyler anywhere? They weren't at home and with the chance of moaners on the loose" I sighed.

"No... I haven't... I'm sure their fine though" James reassured me.

I nodded but I was still a bit shaken from todays encounter.

"Oh and by the way... Rebeca thanks you for your courage and is thankful that you saved us" He continued, imitating Rebeca.

"Awe shucks" I joked.

Ryan and James then started a small conversation in which I found interesting. James talked about when he was dragged off by the people.

"I was being dragged and it was so scary... I just wanted you guys to swoop in and save us... But then, I saw Alex... She ran into the camp yelling my name... She looked so scared... And so I started making in harder for them to drag me and yelled so they'd be distracted by me and wouldn't notice you guys" James explained, in which I listened to every word.

"Wow James that was brave of you" Ryan said with wide, impressed eyes.

I smiled slightly to myself but stayed silent.

After the conversation I said I was going to head home.

"I'll walk you" James smirked.

"It's four feet" I raised my eyebrows.

"Never know when a moaner might come out" He nodded, pretending to be very serious.

I rolled my eyes "Okay" I smiled. "Bye bud, thanks for having me" I said to Ryan.

"Anytime!" He smiled and we walked out.

In the hall I unlocked the door and stood by it.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yup" He smirked.

"Thank you" I smiled, holding on to the door handle.

"For?" He asked.

"Doing what you did" I sighed and walked inside, closing the door behind me.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Tears ran down my face, I sat straight up in bed with a small scream. I breathed super hard and I gripped the sheets of my bed until my knuckles went white. I looked to the bed beside me, it was still empty... Skyler wasn't there...

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I looked at the time '2:46 am'. Who the heck is knocking at 2:46am?

"Alex? Alex you okay!? Open the door!" I heard James outside, sounding like he was having a panic attack.

I got out of bed and opened the door quickly.

"You alright?! I heard screams!" He spoke fast and worried.

I nodded, my cheeks still stained with tears "I'm okay... No moaner in my room..." I tried to smile.

"Good.... Nightmare?" He asked.

"Yup" I sighed.

"Sorry... Wanna talk about it?" He offered.

"No thanks..." I said taking a deep breath.

"Okay... Goodnight then I guess..." He said walking towards his door.

"James" I said stopping him in his tracks.

"Yeah?" He spun around.

"Skyler never came back..." I said worried.

He sighed "Really?" He asked.

I nodded "Really" I said softly "What do we do?" I asked.

"We'll tell Rebeca in the morning..." He sighed.

"We've been doing a lot of that lately..." I said softly before walking back into my room. 

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