Chapter 15: Our Own Kind Of Music

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That night I changed into my pjs... My night shorts and a t-shirt. I walked to the window and closed the curtain James had opened that morning. I then crawled into bed and pulled my covers up from the floor and on me. I take a deep breath and turn off the lamp on the bedside table. I then close my eyes and slowly drift into sleep. 

"GO!!!"  James screamed to me as we ran through the woods. 

I ran a few feet ahead of him as we flew through the woods as fast as we could. 

"Ryan hurry!" Nolen yelled, grabbing his brothers hand. 

Gun shots rang out from behind us, but we continued running. We came to a hill and ran down carefully, trying not to fall. Once at the bottom we continued. 

"Katie!!!"  Arlington screamed and ran with her. 

I turned my head to the right to see Katie and Arlington running. Katie was back! But because of being distracted I tripped. 

"Alex comon!" James grabbed my hand helping me up and we continued running. 

"Jake watch out!" Ryan yelled as Jake almost went into a near by stream. 

"I'm good" He said breathlessly. 

More gunshots rang from behind us. I felt it... I had been shot! I collapsed to the ground as I heard James screaming at the others and me. I blacked out very quickly. 

I woke in the woods, I looked around, everyone was gone. I looked down and I was not shot. I was fine actually. I walked forwards and looked around, my eyebrows lowered nervously. 

"James?" I called out. "James?... Ryan? Nolen?.... Jacob? Arlington? Katie? Skyler?" I called everyones name. 

"Anyone?!" I yelled. 

"ALEX!!!" I heard a voice scream, that made me cringe. 

"Hello!?" I yelled and started running through the woods. "HELLO!?" I screamed. 

"ALEX!!!" I heard the same voice scream. 

Suddenly there was gunshots. I continued running until I found myself where the shot had come from. Everyone laid on the ground... They were shot, killed.... I was horrified as I saw a man holding a gun to James' head. Then the shot went off. 

"JAMES!!!!" I screamed. 

"James!!!" I yelled as I woke up, sitting straight up in my bed. I breathed out shakily as I felt the tears pouring down my face. My hands gripped the sheets, my knuckles turning white. I glanced at the clock which read '3:41'. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my elbows on them. I sighed shakily as I remembered the dream. I hated these horrid nightmares! 

Then there was a click and James ran in, for he had stolen my spear key. "Alex you okay?" He asked running in. 

I nodded, closing my eyes for a moment. 

"Nightmare then?" He asked worried. 

I nodded again. 

"You good now?" He asked in the same tone. 

"Yeah" I whispered "Thanks" 

"Of course Alex" He said softly "Ga'night" He muttered and walked out. 

I took a deep breath and flopped back onto my bed, looking at the ceiling and before I knew it I was asleep. 

Just Your Average 14 Year Old - Book 4 - New BattlesWhere stories live. Discover now