Chapter 5: Found A New Home

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-Alex's View (P.O.V)-

We followed the trail slowly. The blood was getting less and less as though someone was trying to stop the bleeding. After about ten minutes of walking it stopped all together. I sighed deeply looking at the ground seeing no more blood. Where were they? What happened? I was horrified.

"It stops here" I said looking around hoping for the blood to show up somewhere.

"Darn it" Nolen sighed.

"I.. I don't know what else we can do..." I said, worry clouding my voice.

"There isn't much we can do, Alex" Skyler said softly.

"We have to do something" Ryan chimed in.

"I agree! We can't just give up! They could be hurt! Or captured.... Or worse" My voice trailed off at the end. "We- We have to find them" I said, my voice going back to it's normal volume.

"We will" Nolen said softly... "I hope" He added in a barely auditable tone.

I sighed again looking around, I rubbed my face with my hand and then spoke "Alright then... Any ideas on how to find them" I asked feeling hopeless.

"Let's head back to the cabin... If they don't come back soon we will go get them" Nolen offered.

"How? How will we find them" I asked. 

"Alex, Lets. Go" He said firmly, seeing I was clearly tried.

"You need it Alex" Skyler commented.

"Whatever" I sighed and we walked back to the cabins.

After a short while we arrived back at the cabins. I was not in a great mood. I sat by the tree where we take watch and rested my head on the tree. Suddenly a man walked out of the woods, holding his gun down, trying to tell us he wasn't going to shoot. All of us put a hand on our weapons incisively.

"Woah woah woah. It's okay, I won't shoot you" He said calmly. "It's okay, I wont hurt you guys" He said in a calm, almost soothing voice.

We kept our position but loosened up a bit from our stiff stance.

"I'm Dwayne..." He said holding a piece of white paper in his hand. "What are your names?" He asked looking at the note.

"I'm Alex... This is Nolen, Ryan and Skyler" I said quickly.

"Alex McBurry? Fifteen?" He asked me.

"Uh... Yes" I said a bit confused.

"Wonderful! Lovely to meet you! I've come to bring you and the others back with me to Auxilium. Your friend James wanted you guys found" He continued "I've come to bring you" He smiled warmly.

He knew James! They were safe!... I think.

"Whats... 'Auxulam'?" I asked not saying it right.

"Auxilium" He corrected me "A safe zone... Three main wings. The middle is the hospital and food court. Another is for the people we trust... The safe ones, where James, Jake, Katie and Arlington are and that's where youll be. The other is for the ones who aren't quite as trustworthy." He explained. "This is a safe building for all. We have electricity and running water, you each get a room with a bathroom and we have fresh, warm food" He continued "Auxilium is the start of the end of the apocalypse" He explained.

Very promising. He knew the names of our friends and said James sent for us... I was still a bit nervous... But it seemed like a chance for survival we've never been offered.

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