Keisha turns around from the passenger seat to look at me, quickly wiping the drool from her mouth. "Morning Kacey,"

"Good morning," I reply with a small smile.

"Are you ok? You went to sleep early last night and I haven't seen you since. I thought you weren't feeling well or something." She tells me, coming towards the back and sitting on the couch beside me. I pull my knees to my chest, wiggling my toes over the edge of the couch. Keisha has been like an older sister to me and the others, giving us advice and just being protective of us. I've always wanted an older sister to seek help and advice from and now I've got one, so why not take advantage of her?

"I was just feeling a little down. Me and Prince got into it then me and Prod did too. Then me and London had an ugly discussion. There's been alot of drama around here." I admit to her, feeling the need to open up to someone who I know won't judge me.

Keisha sighs and shakes her head, "I warned Walter about this. I told him girls are going to be a huge distraction for the boys but he swore that the boys are more mature than that. What I don't think he understands is that boys will be boys, they're teenagers with raging hormones and touring with girls might complicate things." She explains to me, shaking her head. Then she leans into me al ittle more, lowering her voice. "And that London girls has been a pain my ass since day one when she was an hour late because she lost a diamond earring on the plane."

I scrunch my face up at the mention if London's arrival, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, I try not to acknowledge her too often but I've met plenty of girls like her so I know how you feel." Keisha tell me, rolling her eyes. "But what's with you, Prod and Prince?"

I chuckle lightly, "I wish I could tell you but honestly I'm not sure what's going on right now." My fingers fiddle with the hem of my pants. "Keisha, I think my problem is that I painted the boys larger than life. I made myself believe that they're these perfect, flawless boys that live the perfect life. I was making up my own dream life for them, thinking that I knew everything."

Keisha nods her head, "I know what you mean Kacey. And trust me, those boys are far from perfect. I'm sure every girl has had this experience with a boy and if she hasn't then she will one day. When you love someone you see nothing but perfect, but sometimes you have to look on the ugly side too to see who they really are."

"Well now that I know, I'm confused as to what to do now." I say to more myself than Keisha.

"Follow your instincts." Keisha tells me, standing up and stretching. She pats my leg and walks past me to the bathroom. I remain seated on the couch, waiting for my instincts to point me in the right direction.

Once we reach our destination in front of yet another hotel, we grab our luggage for the day and check in. The ride up the elevator is silent, whether from sleepiness or tension I'm not sure. The girls and boys go our separate ways to the suits and I scamper to claim a room with a good view outside. I settle into my room and toss some clothes for the day onto the bed.

After I take my turn in the shower I close the door, drop my towel and pull on my underwear and bra. I sit on the bed and start lotioning up before the air makes my skin all dry and cracked. I hear footsteps approaching my door and I can't grab my towel fast enough before the door burst open and Roc pokes his head inside. I scream loudly, grabbing the blankets and wrapping them around my body.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry!" Roc apologizes, turning red and turning his back to me quickly. Renee pokes her head into the room and covers her mouth, "Sorry Kacey, I forgot you just got out the shower!" She exclaims, coming in and pushing Roc out.

"Did you need something!?" I asks, blushing hard from the fact that Roc just saw me half naked. My stomach flip flops as I try to estimate how much of my polka dot panties he could have seen.

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