Struggle #9

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"Kacey I'm serious, if these boys try to exploit you in any type of way shape or form you'd better not hesitate to pick up the phone and call me." My mother orders as she paces back and forth across my bedroom floor.

I sigh and fold more clothes into my suitcase. "Mommy I promise, nothing like that is going to happen. This is just for fun."

"Fine, but don't forget to have that Walter guy contact me as soon as you land. I have some questions and concerns." She repeats for the millionth time. I roll my eyes for the millionth time and walk towards my dresser to grab some necessities.

After I apologized to my mother we had a long discussion about my "attitude" and "obsession." My father was basically the peer mediator for both of us, cooling us down when we began to get angry with one another. Without him I doubt my mom would have allowed me to go on the tour.

At first she was skeptical about everything but then she eventually came around to the idea, thanks to some coaxing from my dad. Of course she made me promise that once I come home from the tour that I'd devote more time to my school work. I also have to bring my summer reading projects with me. I gave her my promise and now I'm packing up up some clothes that will last me the summer.

"So who am I supposed to hang with while you're off chillin with Mindless Behavior and Jacob Latimore?" Jayla asks, fiddling with the zipper on my suit case.

I shrug and pick up my paper with the check list of everything I need to take. "You still have Trayvon." I tell her.

"Yeah but I can't complain about all my girl problems to him. He probably won't understand me like you do and just give me a blank look." She groans in frustration.

I laugh and plop down in the bed next to her, "Time will fly by, I promise you. And if it will make you feel any better, I'll try to get Diggy's autograph for you if we ever meet him."

Jayla's eyes light up at the mention of Diggy, "Good. And you better call me everyday."

"Girl I already do that now. It's gonna take longer than a few weeks to break that habit." I tell her while checking off the last item on the my checklist. Jayla nods in agreement and gets off my bed. She walks over to my nightstand and picks up my green and pink teddy bear with the peace signs on its fur. It even had its own peace sign necklace.

"Are you taking Rosy with you?" She asks me. I stare at the bear for a moment. Rosy was given to me by my dad when I first found out how much Princeton loved peace signs and the color green. I adored that bear for the longest and was overly committed to it.

I took it everywhere with me. School, the mall, the beach, the park. And I refused to let anyone hold it for too long, especially Kyle. He has a tendency to destroy my things.

After a while I grew out of stuffed animals but I kept Rosy around because I have a weird attachment to her. Yeah yeah I'm a weird child, I've heard it before.

"Nah she can stay here." I tell Jayla. She shrugs and places her back down against my lamp.

"Lets go Kacey, before we're late for your flight." My father yells up the stairs.

"Ok!" I yell back. After going over my check list one more time, I follow my mother and Jayla into the hallway. Before I hit the steps I run back into my room and grab Rosy, stuffing her deep into book bag. I might need her incase I become home sick.

We pile into the car once my suitcases have been stuffed into the trunk. My parents in the front, then Jayla, Kyle and I in the backseat. I don't understand why Kyle finds it necessary to sing and rap at the top of his lungs every time we get in the car. Thank lawd that I'm getting away from him for a while.

Once we hit the air port the nerves kick in. Jayla has to unbuckle my seatbelt for me and yank me out the car just to get me moving again. This morning I woke up ecstatic about being away from my typical boring life to take part in life in the fast lane. Now I feel pretty nauseous. Maybe it's the fact that Walter is waiting for me on the other side of the doors. Maybe it's the fact that in just 15 hours I'll be meeting Mindless Behavior. Or maybe its the fact that this is my first time going on a plane. Whatever it is, it sure is making my knees tremble and my stomach flip uncontrollably.

My family and Jayla help me lug my things into the airport. As soon as we walk in, the activity of the coming and going passengers take a toll on me. So much is going on that I get bumped around like a pin ball. Then I spot the man in a black shirt, sagging jeans and dark tinted aviators.

"Walter!" I exclaim loudly. He looks up from his phone and looks around confused. "Walter over here!" I begin waving my hands frantically. He smiles and heads my way.

"You must Kacey," he says to me. We shake hands with a wide smile on my face. He smirks and looks up at my parents, "Mr. And Mrs. Miller." He say shaking their hands. "I'm Walter Milsap and I'm going to be Kacey's care taker for the time being."

My parents exchange hand shakes and hellos. "Nice to meet you. Now before you leave I have a few questions for---"

"Mom we have fifteen minutes before the plane takes off. We have to go through baggage check and everything. You call him when we land." I cut her off quickly.

Walter chuckles, "My phone is always on and Im always available for any questions and concerns."

"Nice to know." My mother quips. She turns me to face her and she cups my cheeks in hers, "Be good and don't forget to keep me filled in on what's going on with you."

I beam at her, "I will mommy, I promise. Love you,"

She kisses my forehead and my dad grabs me into a tight bear hug. "Have the time of your life. It's not everyday that you get to hang out will celebrities. Just don't live by that YOLO slogan and do something you'll regret." He says playfully. I laugh and squeeze him tightly.

Kyle doesn't say much rather than just knuckle punch my goodbye. Jayla grabs me and wraps her arms around my neck, leaning close to my ear. "Please send me hella pictures, you're goin to be hanging with big dogs, girl you better live like you're famous too. Cuz you know TM is going to be all over you while you're with them."

"Welp, guess I should show them what a fabulous bitch I can be." I whisper back to her. She giggles and lets me go. I sigh, "I wish I could smuggle you in my suit case."

She rolls her eyes and pushes me away, "Go have fun with Princeton."

"Bye Jay," I say in a sing-song way. She smiles and waves. My parents gives me final hugs before I follow Walter through the metal detectors and towards the terminal.

Walter talks to me about the plane ride and what's on the agenda once we land. Apparently a car is going to come pick us up and bring us to the hotel that we're going to be staying at until the first day of the tour, which is next week. He wants all of us girls to become familiar and comfortable with each other. We're going to be having a lot of interviews with Mindless Behavior along with radio shows and time in the design studio.

"Sound good?" Walter asks me as we walk down the aisle to our seats. I'm so in awe that we're in first class that I barely hear him.

"Sounds fantastic," I respond. Once we have sat down in our seats, I watch out the window as we begin rolling down the runway.

Los Angeles, here I come.

(Next Morning)

I wake up with the worst crook in my neck ever and my legs are so past asleep that they're basically numb. I look out the window to see us descending slowly, the clouds are now above us instead of under us.

A fly attend comes by and hands me a cup of orange juice. I look around the plane to see everyone slowly waking up and wiping the drool off their mouths along with the crust out the corner of their eyes.

Soon, Walter tells me that its time to get off the plane. I raise out of my seat, grabbing my book bag and the magazine of Mindless Behavior that Walter gave me half way through the flight.

"Want a pack of peanuts to snack on until we reach the hotel?" He asks me.

I shake my head, rubbing sleep out my eyes. "No thanks, I have a peanut allergy,"

Walter immediately drops the peanuts in an empty seat as we exit the plane. "Alright then, we're jus gonna nix that whole idea and get something from Dunkin Donuts."

I laugh and follow him off the plane. The airport here seems even more busier than the one in Boston and I make sure to stick to Walter like glue. He laughs at me as I grab his arm when a lady tries to step between us.

We finally get outside and into the shiny black car waiting for us. I slide across the cool leather while Walter takes a seat in the front in the passenger side, "How are you feeling Kacey, you're one step closer to Mindless Behavior."

I laugh and look out the tinted windows, "that depends, is it possible to puke rainbows and glitter?"

Sorry for errors :P


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