Chapter 21 • flashback.

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This could be a long chapter (just warning)
Plus, trigger warning


Year: 2011
Willow: 13
Phil: 24
Dan: 19


"See you soon Dan, have fun at uni tomorrow," I smile.

"Funny Phil. Funny," Dan sarcastically says as he puts his headphones on, walking away from my home, hands in his pockets, and from all the way over hereI could hear the sound of Muse blasting from his headphones.

Typical Daniel James Howell.

I went to my couch and sat down alone. This was the point I would usually edit my new video but something told me not to. I wasn't lazy... I was just being....

I was being lazy wasn't I?

Anyway, it's 2011, so I picked up my 3DS and began to play Mario Kart online. Dan wasn't online which I wasn't surprised about. Dan had to walk back to his uni block which was about 10 minutes to the tube and then half an hour from there.

But me and Dan were going to move in together next week. After we film PINOF2, we are moving into a apartment together. With us both enjoying and living the internet lifestyle and with us collabing so much, we decided to move into an apartment together nearby Dan's university. That way we can do even more collab videos.

Dan's studying law and I honestly don't know why. Dan hates law, he goes on about it a lot when we're on Skype together most nights. I feel as though he will snap one day though, probably before an important exam of something knowing Dan.

I'm winning my game of Mario Kart when my phone goes off. This causes me to drive into a banana on the track and I curse out loud.

I go to the phone and pick it up. It was a special ringtone I set just for mom. It was so I knew who it was and I had to pick it up.

Moms, so protective.

"Hey mom-" I begin.

"Phil help." My moms voice sounds panicked, stressed out even.

Oh no.

"Mom whats going on?" I ask. Worried.

"It's Willow... she's locked herself in the bathroom, she's crying and she won't let me in and I can hear things breaking... Phil what do I do?!" She cries.

I grab my coat in a rush and try to put my shoes on at the same time, "I'M COMING MOM!" I yell.

No no no no no!

I knew Willow was depressed. I know she has been going through a rough parch in her life.

And I know she cuts.

I manage to finish my chore of putting on shoes and coat at the same time, and soon I am dashing out the house, locking the door quickly as I race out sprinting at super sonic speed.

"PHIL!" I stop halfway up my street to see Dan jogging lightly towards me, "Hey, I left my coat at yours - can I go get it..."

"Can it wait Dan please?" I beg.

"Why what's up Phil..." Dan asks.

For fuck sake!

"Dan I have to go!" I yell, and run off, Dan yelling my name as I ran and ran.

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