“Patrick, come on, I would never hurt my mother. I’m here to get her to safety. It’s me.”

The other gu8ard replied fiercely. “We have strict orders to keep everyone out.”

“But I’m the Prince.”

“Not anymore.”

Patrick let his spear clatter to the stone floor. “Of course he is. You can go in, mate. How can we help?”

Lector beamed. “You can go to the barn and help Jenna get the servants to safety.”

The other guard put down his weapon and frowned. “I thought you kidnapped the Princess?”

“No. It was just a lie to get the forces out of the castle. Besides, Jenna would never allow anyone to take her against her will.”

Patrick chuckled. “Right you are. Come on, Percival; let’s go help the Princess.”

Lector opened the now unguarded door and found his mother pacing up and down in front of the window. At the sound of his footsteps, her head shot up.

When she saw him, her face contorted with fear and she pressed her back against the far wall.

“Lector, please… I always cared for you.”

He was overcome with emotion. His own mother thought that he was here to kill her. He took cautious steps towards her, opening his palms in front of him.

“Mom, I’m here to save you. What would make you think otherwise?”

“Everything. You’re here with the elves, declaring war against the humans. You have come to kill your father.”

Lector shook his head. “We’re not waging a war against mankind, just against him. Yes, we plan on killing the King, only because it’s the only way we can free the dragons. He is an abusive tyrant, Mom. And he was never really my father. We will give him the option of surrender, but you know he won’t take it. I’ve come to get you to safety.”

Her bottom lip quivered. “You abandoned us, Lector.”

“Only in order to save the dragons.”

“And since when are you such a dragon lover?”

“Since the love of my life and my sister both got one. I didn’t kidnap Jenna, Mom. In fact, this was all her idea. I would never do anything to hurt you. I’m just trying to secure your safety.”

Suddenly, his mother was in his arms, sobbing. “Oh, Lector, my boy; I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too, Mom, but I’m here now.”


“So, you’re a dragon rider and you’re off to kill the King?”

Minki nodded at her disbelieving father. “Yes.”

“Well, a lot has happened. And you say you’re in love with the Prince?”

“Very much… Dad, didn’t you get my note about Mother cheating on you?”

“I did.”

“Then why are you still together?”

“Because she realised her mistake and apologized. She’s changed, Minki. She’s the same loving and sweet woman I married, because now she knows that she doesn’t want to lose me.”

Minki nodded. “I’m happy if you’re happy.”

The King’s Room was a large private chamber at the top of the palace. It contained only a throne- a throne that was now occupied by Ceaser Vincent.

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