Chapter Five

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“Me? The elves want to meet me? But I’m not all those stuff they said.”

Ricki frowned. “How do you know what they said?”

“I- may have eavesdropped. It was my only chance of seeing an elf in person.”

“Well, now you can actually meet them.”

She shook her head, looking out over the river. “Ricki, I’m not the person they’re looking for.”

“Come on, Minki; you are the kindest person I know. Please just agree to meet with them.”

She sighed. “Fine, but I’m just going to see what they want.”

Kendli and Vadmar sat opposite Ricki and Minki at the dining table. Vadmar smiled, serving every person with a glass of water.

“Minki, before we discuss why we are here, we just want to ask you a few questions. We are only asking you to be honest. Understand?”

“Of course; I don’t believe in lying.”

Vadmar nodded. “Alright, Minki. Let’s start. Do you have any siblings?”


“Tell me about your relationship with your parents.”

Minki smiled. “I love my dad. He’s always lively and helps me with my homework and, well, anything I need his help with really. And then there’s my mother, whom I would rather not talk about.”

“Minki, I understand that some things may be difficult to share, but these answers are important to us.” He was so much nicer than her and Kendli knew that.

“Well, she thinks going to school is a waste, because, as she continues to remind me, I won’t amount to anything. She always seems angry and I don’t think she loves me or my father.”

Vadmar nodded. “Why do you think she behaves in this manner?”

“She came from a wealthy family, but she fell in love with my father, a poor farmer. When she married him, she had to leave everything behind.”

He sighed. “Poverty can lead to bitterness. I am sorry that I have to ask, but do you think that poverty or wealth could change you the same way it did your mother?”

Minki shrugged. “I’m used to poverty, so I can’t think that it would change me. I don’t know what wealth would do to me, but money isn’t important to me. I’ve learnt to get along without it.”

“Do you consider yourself an honest, humble and reliable person?”

Minki looked at Ricki with questioning eyes. “Er- Probably?”

Ricki beamed. “Definitely.”

Vadmar chuckled. “Well, Minki, would you give up everything for a good cause?”

“Wow-er- I don’t know. I guess I’ll have to make that decision when it’s time.”

Everyone took a sip of water. “Are you afraid of elves, Minki?”

She looked down uncomfortably. Vadmar touched her hand and smiled reassuringly. “You may speak your mind.”

“Well, I am cautious- But only because I know that you are so powerful and that… Well, most of you don’t like humans.”

Vadmar gave a brief glance at Kendli. “That’s fine, Minki; it’s smart to be cautious. Do you consider yourself as a loyal person?”

She nodded. “To a good cause.”

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