Chapter 9

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This chapter will be in third person


"Liam?" Callie asked, her voice trying to stay confident and steady, but miserably failed. You could see her fingers clutching the banister so hard, they turned white. She felt as if she couldn't breathe, her throat clenched and a choking sob almost wretched through her.

She never in a million years dreamed that this would've happened.

Fuck that, she would rather kill herself than put this family she'd come to love, in danger. Where they would most likely get killed. And whose fault would it be? It would be her's. 

In the seconds that seemed like hours, she thought of Brandon, she would never confess her feelings, never be able to see how he felt, never even get a chance. And now that she looked into the face of a man she's hated for years, holding a gun, the rules that held her back from telling Brandon the truth seemed just pathetic and stupid. Her insecurities pitiful. 

Liam took the hand that held the gun and turned it from Stef and Lena, to Callie. Callie's heartbeat quickened, to the point where it felt like the whole world could hear it too. 

"Get down to your knees Callie." Liam instructed, slowly walking closer and closer to her, if her face had  any color before, it had disappeared.

From the other side of the room, Stef gestured for Callie to get down on her knees, moving her hand towards the phone she always kept in her pocket. Distract him, she mouthed. Callie tilted her head up and down minuscully signifying her understanding and she slowly got down on her knees, her eyes never leaving Liam's, making sure she held his attention. 

"Why are you doing this?" Callie asked, her voice showing desperation and hatred. And in a second she reached her hand toward the gun and placed her hand on his, hoping to her lucky stars, he wouldn't immediately fire, he didn't. 

Liam's face showed no emotion, his expression cold as ice. "Well well Callie, it's nice to see you at my feet again, huh?" He laughed mockingly, and continued. "You know why I'm doing this Callie, you know WHY I'M FUCKING DOING THIS." He yelled.

Callie flinched at his words, and tilted her head down to see his dirt stained boots. She felt cold metal pressed against her temple and she warily looked up. Liam laughed at her determined face, "Even when a gun is pressed against your head, you still are determined to stand against me." He paused to snicker at her glaring look. "Well guess what Callie, unless you want your little family to be killed, I suggest you come with me.

Callie's face turned to anger, she should've known why he'd come. He didn't actually want to come here to kill anyone, he wanted to take her, without having to kidnap her. He wanted to torture her, and the best way to that was to make her stuck with him. He was a sadistic man, he hated Callie, with all of his cold heart and damaged soul. 

He had liked her, enjoyed her company, her cute little braids and he had definitely enjoyed her figure, the way she looked. So what he had taken advantage of her, it happened often in society these days, he had thought she would enjoy it too. When she left without so much as some goodbye sex he had been mad. Yeah it had been his fault but she owed him, for all those things he did for her. That wasn't the only reason he did this. He wanted to torture, make her feel pain, after she left, kicked out of the house. When she left, the Foster Care managment decided it would be risky to place another girl in the house, so she left him with no other girl to care for him and pleasure him. And he hated her for that.

He wanted her to suffer, he wanted to make her feel pain. Maybe he was sadistic, but that's the way he was born, a little screwed up in the head, but devious and clever. 

"Come wtih me now, and no one get's hurt." He stated coldly. Callie would've rolled her eyes at the typical words of a kidnapper, no one get's hurt, yeah right, someone's always hurt in the end. 

Callie glanced at Stef and Lena, unsure of what to do. Stef's face was pained, obviously weighing the outcomes of letting her leave and trying to make a dash for it. To try to escape and hide, would be putting all the other kids in mortal danger, put letting Callie leave willingly, who knows what could happen to her, she could be brutally tortured. Murdered in cold blood. 

Callie had already made up her mind, though. She wouldn't be selfish, saving her own skin, but putting everyone else in danger. She looked up into Liam's harsh blue eyes, and nodded. "I'll go with you." 

"NO" A shout echoed from upstairs and Callie fought back the urge to scream out loud. It was Brandon. He came running down the stairs, "NO, Callie don't do this." He pleaded. Callie wanted to burst out into tears, but the minute she looked to Liam's shaking hand on his gun and his ferocious glare focused on Brandon, she knew what she'd have to do. 

She stood up, Liam's gun following her as she went, "Let's go Liam." She stated, no emotion in her voice. Her heart beat viciously as Brandon's face turned from anger to desperation. But ther was nothing she could do, he would shoot Brandon in an instant, and not feel any remorse. 

As she walked out of the house, walking like a prisoner, her hands tied back, she took one last glance into the house she would most likely never return to. It seemed like everything was in slow motion, Stef held Lena, tears runnning down both of their faces. Jesus had run downstairs and held Brandon back, as he desperately tried to run to Callie, his face stained with tears. He had never gotten to tell her, tell her that he liked her, liked her so much, it would've bloomed into love. Now he watched as she walked away.

And it was tearing both of their hearts apart.


hello all

you probably all freaking hate me {but i still love you guys}

but dont worry.

everything will come together

sorry for the cliffhanger and long wait but i hope you enjoy this chapter xx

how about 130 reads. 30 votes? and 13 comments?

love you lots - blessing xx

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