Chapter 8

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Brandon's POV

Finally Saturday! I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling, thinking of all the things that happened this week. Everything had just been one big blob of confusion. It had been pretty painful for me, watching Callie go on dates with Wyatt, always coming back with a huge smile on her face, it sucked, knowing another guy had put it there. I wanted to be the one making her smile. Not him, he doesn't deserve her. Nobody was good enough for her, she always had the purest intentions, she might play dirty but she always had good intentions. She always put her own happiness last, making sure Jude was safe, that Jude was happy, that she protected herself from being hurt even more. Putting up a brave front, not letting people in. I knew she wasn't happy, and it killed me that now it was Wyatt who was breaking down her barriers and making her happy, that Jude liked him, that Stef and Lena loved him too. It literally felt like a knife in my heart.

It shouldn't affect me this much, I shouldn't like her this much. It wasn't supposed to be allowed, the rules say that foster kids cannot have any relationship with one of the family's kids. She was a foster kid, I was a family kid. This was strictly forbidden. But I couldn't help it, you can't choose, your heart decides. I wish I didn't but it wasn't my choice, your heart does all the deciding.

I could feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into the dark black hole that was love, but I couldn't do that, I can't let myself fall in love, I can't fall in love with her. I can't let myself near her, I would avoid her, just avoid her laugh, her sarcasm, her beauty, her wit, her bluntness, her grin, her two cute little braids, the way she dressed, like she didn't give a fuck what anyone said.

I knew I was falling for her, but I couldn't let that happen, there were rules that strictly prohibited it. And she was already with Wyatt, and she was happy. I had to stop being selfish, and just let her be happy. I would leave her alone and give her space until my feelings for her dissolved.

Callie's POV

Light beamed through the windows, striking me in the face. I groaned slightly and rolled over so my face was buried in my pillow. I lay there for a few minutes before Mariana woke up herself and asked me if I was awake. Which I was. I sat up on the bed, hands covering my face from the bright light. Mariana copied my movements.

I looked over at her, her hair was still perfect and her clothes the same way as when she fell asleep last night. I swung my feet over the side of my bed and hopped off. I walked over to mirror and inspected myself, my hair was a mess, tangled and sticking out in weird angles. My clothes were rumpled and crinkled. I had no idea how Mariana managed to keep herself looking perfect while sleeping, she was like one of the girls in a movie or in a TV show, who wake up looking stunning already with make-up on.

I took a brush out of the drawer and ran it through my hair multiple times until mostly all of my tangles were gone. I picked out a army green colored cotton t-shirt, dark skinny jeans, a fresh pair of underwear, and a black jean jacket from the drawer and walked to the bathroom to shower and change. I walked slowly down the hall observing the little dirt spots on floor. As I walked by Brandon's room, I saw his door was swung wide open, and he was laid across his bed, staring up at the ceiling blankly.

"Hey Brandon, you okay?" I asked as I approached him slowly. He didn't seem to hear me, as I got closer I saw his face looked angry.

"Brandon?" I cautiously asked again. His face whipped towards me in an expression of shock and desperation, which I didn't understand why at all. He blinked several times and cleared his throat before speaking, "What...?" He said lamely, his eyes darting everywhere but me, and his voice clearly saying 'please-get-out-i-don't-want-you-near-me'.

Did I do something wrong? I thought to myself. I answered my own question. Of course you did Callie, you always do something wrong. Half of the time I don't know I'm doing something wrong, but there's something I do that always causes people to avoid me like I've been diagnosed with a fucking contagious disease.

But I didn't think Brandon was one of those people. So it hurt a little bit, especially since I've picked up a few feelings for him along the way. But I knew he didn't feel the same. So I should've predicted it anyways. Plus the fact that any relationship between us would be strictly forbidden, and Brandon's a goody goody so of course he would never dare even think about a relationship between us. He'd probably feel guilty even if we hugged. 

He coughed noisily, signaling he was still waiting for a response. I smiled fakely, "I just wanted to see if you were okay..." I trailed off innocently, "But apparently you're fine." I said sweetly, trying to disguise my disgust and bitterness. I spun on my heeld, and slowly walked out of the room. 

I headed along to my original destination, the bathroom. I walked in sullenly and began with my daily morning routine. Brush my teeth, take a quick shower, change, and blow dry my hair. Simple, and fast. But today's routine was interrupted by hearing yelling throughout the house. I was mid-way through blow drying my hair when a scream came echoing through the house. I had jumped and dropped the blow dryer onto the sink counter. 

The scream had come from downstairs, and I threw open the door and ran downstairs, unaware that what happened could be dangerous. As I approached the last few steps, I saw the whole scene unfold slowly before my eyes. It seemed as if everything was in slow motion. What I saw, Stef and Lena frozen, shocked standing at the dining table. If I could choose to never have been born, to never have experienced all of what has happened in my life, I would. 

There he was, standing at the door, a large knife in hand. I couldn't move, stuck to the ground, pale and naseous. It was him, the one I've feared since I was young teen, the one that made me cold and untrusting. 



Ok I know you guys wanna kill me. in all ways possible. I'm sorry but this had to be done, Liam is an asswipe. if you guys don't already know this. 

Im sorry for updating so late but there's been a lot of family issues recently. I'm sorry

I hope you guys enjoyed the short and crappy chapter anyways.

How about 130 reads? and 28 votes and 17 comments

love you lots - blessing xx

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