Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Callie's POV

"Callie! Time to sleep honey!"

I smiled at the sweet and soothing voice of my mom.

"Good night my little Callie-wallie!"

"I love you mommy!"

She slowly stroked my hair with her fingers as she softly sang a lullaby.

I felt myself drifting closer and closer into sleep when I heard a huge scream and then a loud crash. I cautiously creeped out of my bed to where the crash had sounded.

The view that lay before me...


Tears fell from my eyes as I shook my mother's lifeless body, lying at the foot of the stairs, with her neck twisted at an odd angle.


I woke up with a start with a frightened looking Mariana shaking my shoulders frantically.

Tears were running down my face.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Mariana questioned nervously.

I breathed in and breathed out, trying to calm my heartbeat.

"Yeah, just a bad dream." I explained, my voice shaky.

Mariana looked at me suspiciously but let it go, thankfully.


We both jumped at the sound of Stef screaming from downstairs.


After breakfast all of us headed out the door and we all piled into the car, and unfortunately I sat right in the middle of the twins, who were obviously mad at eachother because they wouldn't stop screeching at eachother...from the opposite sides of me...making me go basically deaf. So you see how that ended.

The morning went as it always is, class...more class....boring lectures...and repeat. During lunchtime I sat alone on the bench eating only the candy and fruit part of my packed lunch. As I relaxed on the wooden bench a figure plopped down next to me, I looked up to see Wyatt.

"So Cal?" He asked then snickered.

I raised my eyebrows but smiled.

"That's your nickname now, SoCal..Okay?" Wyatt grinned cheekily at me.

I laughed, "Okay."

After an awkward pause I finally asked what was on my mind. "What do you want?"

He smirked, "What every guy wants, stimulating conversation....and sex."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, of course!" I replied sarcastically while giggling.

Our banter went on and on until the 'end of lunch' bell rang.

By then we had exchanged numbers and I had invited him to a little party that Stef and Lena were hosting Saturday.


The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it the rest of the week had passed by too.


Brandon's POV

"Hey Wyatt, welcome in!" I heard my mom welcome him in.

What was he doing here? Who the hell invited him?

I trampled down the stairs to go kick him out, when I stopped mid-step. Callie had her arm wrapped loosely around his waist, and his arm slung protectively around his shoulders.

My heart sunk against my will and my anger began building up.

Why was this affecting me this much? Why do I even care?

I shoved all the thoughts and questions and put on a cold mask.

"Hi." I stated stoically to Wyatt.

"Hey dude." He replied raising his hand up, for a high-five.

I left him hanging, and turned away abruptly.

My heart was pounding quickly, anger pulsing through my veins. I put my hands on my forehead and turned back towards them.

They both stared at me as of I was diseased.

"I'm not feeling too well." I attempted to play off my strange behavior, casually.

I could tell they didn't believe me but accepted my stupid ass excuse and walked away together.

I mentally slapped myself, why're you such an idiot Brandon?

Why is it that you have to like Callie? You can't tell anyone. There's never gonna be a relationship between you two. It's forbidden, and being the goody two-shoes you are, you'll never have the guts to say or do anything.

.....She doesn't even like you anyway, she's perfectly happy with Wyatt.

I sighed and sat down on the nearest furniture appliance which just happened to be the countertop.

"Unnnggh." I mumbled. All the thoughts and messed up signals swam around my brain. My mind spun.

"Brandon." I felt a warm, comforting hand clasping my shoulder.

Surprisingly, it was Callie.

"Uh...wh-what are y-you do-doing?" I stuttered, idiotically.

She raised an eyebrow, "Just checking up on you, are you really not feeling well?" She asked suspiciously.

This was the moment, you could tell her how you feel and just relieve yourself of all the stress. You never know maybe she'll feel the same way about you. I mean if you never say anything this weight will stay on your shoulders. You should just go ahead and say it.

"Well.....Callie......I think you should know something....." I stated slowly. She nodded her head, obviously confused.

"I'mverysickandImcontagioussoyouprobablydontwannahangoutwithmeyoushouldjustgobacktoyourlittlewyatt." I rushed out. My breathing was heavy.

Dammit Brandon. You're such a coward. Why can't you say anything?

....Whatever it was for the better.

It's better if she doesn't know anything.

I sighed.

And walked away.

Callie's POV

Well that was strange.

Was it bad, that for a moment I thought Brandon was gonna say 'I like you Callie.'

Is it bad, I was disappointed that he didn't say that?

Yes, I know, it's very bad.

What am I going to do?






ILYASM *heart heart

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•Xoxo Hannah•

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