Dog, horse, sheep, goat, pig, snake, RACCOON!

All the seals suddenly started glowing, then they all ripped in half. They all fell off the door and softly landed on the ground below. The Kazakage looked impressed while the two kids looked bewildered, they had tried opening the seals but it wouldn't work for them at all! And seeing someone younger then them doing it made them turn there heads to the side. (They still don't know that she is the Hokage) the doors slowly opened and only cell bars stayed. Naruko slowly made her way to the cell bars and they dissolved, the Kazakage and his children stayed where they were and watched silently. Inside Naruko saw a blob of dirty brown and smelt a horrible smell. It was coming from the person inside. His ribs were visible and his green forest eyes looked huge on his face. Naruko felt sickened, not from him, but from how he was treated. She sent a glare to the Kazakage that promised alot of pain later on. He winced.

"Brother? Hello brother. I am 9 and you are 1, so your my little brother." Naruko smiled at the shocked face looking up at her, "Do you want to come out little brother? Take a bath and have a decent meal? I can promise you will never be locked in here again and if they try to I will fight with all my strength to unlock you. Is that alright little brother?" Garra just looked shocked, he wasn't used to such warm smiles. He couldn't hear his demon telling him anything, Garra was asking if it was okay for him to trust her.
'Can I trust her mother?' Garra asked shyly
'Brat make sure to go with her. My elder brother is in her and is intimidating me do not disappoint me. Also, I'm not your mother.' And with that the 1 tailed demon was gone from Garras head. Garra felt so tired suddenly. After all, he hasn't slept in ages. He didn't even know what it was like to sleep anymore. He craved it ever since someone told him it was like being free from everything. But his demon kept him awake by talking with him and encouraging him to kill people. He felt saddened with losing his so called 'Mother' but felt happy to gain a new friend and finally be out of the cell.
Naruko watched as Garra tried to get up. She felt sad for the lonely soul. She just got done talking with Kurama and he told her that he handled it. She thanked him and tried to help Garra. She got tired of watching him try to stand up so she bent down m, trying to single him to get on her. When he finally understood what she was trying to do he was hesitant. Maybe people were messing with him and were going to use the trust this girl has gained and use it against him..? Maybe they were going to end his life, he could be free from everything and everyone.
"Garra, I will never hurt you if that's what your thinking. I wouldn't ever think of hurting my brother, so if you think this is a joke just look over there." Naruko pointed to the Kazakage and his children. "Those are your family members, the blonde haired one is Temari and the cat hatted one is Kankaro, they are your bother and sister while the one giving me the deathly glare is your dad is the Kazakage, I know you must not like him well since he locked you up after all but he's really a good guy underneath all his battle armor." Naruko gave a nervous laugh, Garra just looked at them strangely. He didn't understand very well... Family? What was it like? Was it warm and fluffy like how he felt around this neon yellow haired girl? Or was it sad and cold like the jail cell? Garra didn't wait to find out because he got lifted off his feet by the girl that saved him from his pain. He was carried over to his so called 'Family', his brother and sister treated him with warm smiles and nice hugs while his father looked at him with a wired look in his eyes that Garra didn't catch. But Naruko did know what it was and also caught it. She did the thing anyone would do in this situation.

She stomped on his foot with a chakra powered foot. It always hurt like a bitch, he jumped away yelling something about a 'blonde haired monkey', At this Garra felt something tug at the corner of his lips. He felt.... Happy something he has never felt before. And for the first time in his life.

Garra smiled.

It was quick and didn't last long but everyone caught it. Everyone smiled back at him, even the Kazakage did. And that is when the Kazakage started thinking that maybe his 3rd child wasn't so bad after all...

*Time skip*

Naruko looked at Garras sleeping face, they had gotten him to take a bath and to eat. And since she had Kurama talk to the one tailed raccoon he would now let Garra sleep without talking to him. She already had a talk with the Kazakage about Garra while also threatening him, they came up with a deal.
Naruko would visit every 3 months since she was still a Hokage. And see how Garra was doing. If he was not being treated well Naruko was aloud to take him out of the village if he wanted to and to come back to the village hidden in the Leafs. Before Garra went to sleep she explained this to him and he agreed with the idea.
* Time skip 2 days later*

"When will you come back Naruko-Nee-Chan?" A certain red head asked quietly, you see, Naruko was now heading back to the village hidden in the Leafs because she's already been gone to long. And the Kazakage and his family had come to see her off. Over the last two days she's really hit it off with his family as of the villagers. She's also convinced them that Garra was a normal person and not a demon, of course people still thought he was the demon, but it wasn't enough to make a deal out of. But back to the point, the kages children now call her Naruko-Nee-Chan instead of just Naruko-Chan. She's like an older sister to them. In the end they found out she was the Hokage of the Hidden Leafs. But didn't make a big deal out of it because Naruko asked them not to because it's not.
"Ill be back next month Ga-Chan,remember work hard if you want to become Kazakage!" Naruko said happily while patting Garras head, even if they were the same age Garra still acted like a little kid most of the time. Garra also thought his dad was like the coolest person so he decided be wanted to become the next Kazakage. This father was proud. The Kazakage finally learned that Garra wasn't a weapon or a tool, that he was just a human being like everyone else. And so the Kazakage became very found of Garra, he even put Garra on the same Genin team as his brother and sister. So they would meet up in the future. Naruko then gave the Kazakage one last heart warming smile and then started on her way, half way out the gate she turned around and shouted,
"Ga-Chan! Tem-Chan! Kat-Chan! Kaza-Chan! Goodbye! See ya later!" And with that Naruko flash stepped away, not bothering to see how they would react to her nicknames.

*Flashback end*

'Ahh yes,' Naruko was found of that memory. And that was 2 years ago, she didn't notice that she was lost in thought and got whacked in the face with the 3rds staff.
"Owwwwwww!" Naruko moaned in pain, she wasn't paying attention to her surrounding area again. A bad habit of hers when lost in thought.
"Focus! Oh and a reminder, you get your genin team tomorrow so get your lazy ass out of my backyard and into your bed!" The 3rd raised his voice, there was a silent threat along with that statement, so Naruko scurried off, not wanting to find out what the threat was.

The old man rubbed his head "You would be proud; Minato, Kushina."

P.s; I know I messed up Gaara's name, I'm just to lazy to fix it :P

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