Trip | 23

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" Well, I am his sister. "

She said, making you jump,

" Seriously?! "

You said, taking a step back, which allowed her to invite herself in,

" Oi, (Y/N), who was at the doo- "

Rin stopped talking when he saw the grey-eyed woman.

" Who are these two? "

She asked, and you then realized that you had to pretend as if you and Nao were a happy couple, because if his sister found out, she'd definitely do something about it,

like, get your dad fired.

" Oh, these two? That's Rin, and that's Haru, Just a pair of friends. "

You said, really emphasising on the 'friends' part, the woman walked up to the two boys and pinched their cheeks,

" Is it okay if I steal them then? "

She asked, while the boys awkwardly stood with her hands stuck to their faces,

In your mind;
What the fuck girl are you their grandma like why the hell are you pinching their cheeks and no you fucking poptart you can't steal them you satan bitch go back to hell

But you said;
" Haha, go ahead. "

You said,

" (Y/N), Who is she? "

Haru asked,

" I am Naos sister, Eriko. "

She said, letting go of them and bowing a bit, Haru bowed down as well, while Rin crossed his arms,

" You mean, you're related to the spawn of sata- "

Before Rin could finish his sentence, you stepped on his foot, making him shut up.

" Nevermind all that, Eriko, was it? What brings you here? "

You asked, her, trying to change the mood,

" I just wanted to see how my brothers relationship was going, and, other issues. "

She said, smiling, Haru and Rin took this as their queue to step in,

" But he doesn't have a relationship-- "

Haru said, making you sweatdrop,

" --with anyone but me, because, y'know, we're so happy together! "

You said, saving yourself, and cringing at your statement,

" Of course. "

His sister said, smiling at you, making you nervous,

" Anyways, where will you be staying? "

You asked her, and she laughed,

" Here, of course! "

She giggled, you awkwardly chuckled,

" There isn't any space left. "

You said, scratching the back of your neck, she started laughing even harder,

ultimate | haru x reader x rinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora