Sigh | 21

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three things;

1. I don't even know what this chapter is im laUGHINF

2. I have extreme writers block

3. sorry for any mistakes :::)


" You're gonna sleep next to us tonight. "

They said, and you could see in the seriousness on their faces,

" e-excuse me? "

You took a step back, surprised at their statement,

" If you sleep in your room, Nao will be able to sneak in and do stuff. "

Rin said, whispering in your ear,

" Then I'll just lock the door! "

You said, making Rin and Haru slightly disappointed,

"I'm sure he'll find a way to get in"

Haru said, making you facepalm yourself,

" I have an idea! "

Makoto said, making everyone look at him, Gou had no idea what was going on, so she just snuck out, slowly.

" Let's all just sleep on the floor in one of the rooms, so we can make sure no one tries to do anything! "

Makoto said, and you agreed, Rin and Haru eventually agreed too, since everyone else was up for it, Nao was forced to say yes.

You sighed, and shooed everyone out of your room so you could get ready for bed.

You decided to throw on a shirt that was a bit too big for you, and some shorts, that weren't very visible because of the shirt, but you couldn't care less.

You yawned and walked to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water before sleeping,

After having your drink, you walked to the room which everyone was supposed to be sleeping in,

When you clicked open the door, you saw all four boys inside the room, and once you entered, they all stared at you,

" What? "

You asked, but then realized that your attire may have looked strange, you sighed and lifted your shirt up a bit to show everyone you were indeed wearing shorts,

Rin and Haru blushed lightly at the sight of you lifting your shirt,

Nao smirked, and Makoto was already asleep, you yawned and instantly layed down on one of the futons,

Haru and Rin slept at your sides, making Nao pout, but all three of them couldn't help but stare at your sleeping face,

" You three know that I'm not asleep yet, right? Now stop staring, it's uncomfortable. "

You said, pulling a blanket over you, all three boys looked away, and went to sleep as well,

-A few hours later-

You were woken up by a sound, kinda like a thud, you didn't know where it came from, but you didn't care,

However, you couldn't fall back asleep, so you decided to drink some water, thinking that it would help,

While on your route to the kitchen, you were hugged from behind, you didn't need to ask who it was, because you knew it could only be one person.

" Let go of me. "

ultimate | haru x reader x rinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang