Win | 26

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holy crap 20k+ reads what the shit
+ also it's been forever since I updated sorrY
It was the next morning, the morning to leave training camp, and everyone was getting ready.

Ever since Harus birthday, when you accidentally confessed to him, you've tried your very best to make sure not to be near him under any circumstances.

- 5 days until the prefectural tournament -

" Amazing, Haruka-senpai, another personal best! The training camp from hell paid off! "

Gou said, as she clicked her stopwatch. Nagisa ended his lap and wiped some water of his face.

" How'd I do? "

He asked, and Gou checked her clipboard,

" You need to work a little harder, Nagisa-kun. "

She said, smiling, Nagisa pouted a little while Makoto placed a hand on Gous shoulder,

" Still, we've come a long way. Rei's improved a lot! "

The brunette said, everyone agreeing, except Gou.

" But that's not good enough! We must find a proper coach! "

She said, pointing in the air, Nagisas eyes widened,

" What? Find a coach now? "

Nagisa asked her, and she nodded, Makoto stepped forward,

" A coach would be helpful, but none are availabl- "

" That's why we have to look harder! "

Gou shouted at him, which made him throw his hands up in defence.

" Not necessary. "

Haru said, passing by them to go to the diving board,

That's right, Haru doesn't need one.

Right when Haru jumped into the water, you entered, waving at your brother and friends.

Except Haru, who was swimming, and didn't notice you enter,

Thank God.

You thought as you tiptoed over to your brother.

" How's it going? "

You asked Gou and Makoto, whispering.

" Why are you being so quiet? "

Gou asked, loudly, you quickly slapped a hand over her mouth.

Oh, that's right, Gou doesn't know about the whole confessing thing. Should I tell her?

" N-No reason! "

You said, still whispering, then you gestured for Gou to answer the question you had asked before.

" Well, the boys have improved a lot, I'm quite confident in them. "

Gou said, and you sighed in relief, happy to hear that they were ready for the tournament.

When Haru had finished his lap, Gou had stopped the timer.

" Another personal best, Haruka-senpai! "

Gou said, happily, but once you heard that name, you froze.


You quickly turned towards your brother,

" W-Well.. itsgettinglatehaha bye. "

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