Haru | 28

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fiNally I can sleep peacefully knowing I got this Haru ending out,

so it's pretty obvious majority (like literally fukn 99%) of people reading this book like Haru more, so there's a bit more action in this ending, sorry rin ily

just a warning tho, im really not good at writing //cough 'action-y' stuff ok ok

-skip to the part where you meet Rin in the hallway bc your author is lazy af ayyy-

" Do you love him? "

Rin asked you, and you turned around to face him, and instead of looking down at the ground you looked him right in the eye, and smiled,

" Yes, I do. "

You said, allowing Rin to widen his eyes for a second, before laughing it off,

" Good luck with that, he's extremely difficult! "

The maroon-haired boy turned around and started walking away, as you laughed at his comment,

You continued to run towards the locker-room ( is that even what it's called lmao ), in which Haru would definitely be in,

The halls were completely empty, making your life easier because if anyone saw you they wouldn't let you into the men's locker-room,

Once you reached the door, you took a deep breath, once you stepped in, what were you going to say?

I can do this.

You slowly turned the handle and entered,

It was empty.

I ran all that way for this?!

You groaned, about to turn back when you heard a shower turn on, you gulped and slowly stepped back inside,

The showers had separate stalls, but didn't have doors, so if you walked past them, you'd be able to see if anyone was inside,

You slowly tiptoed forward, but then thought about something,

What if he's naked?!

You went red at your imagination, however,

Haru doesn't even take his swimming suit off for a bath, why is this any different?

You rolled your eyes at the waste of time and continued your tiptoeing,

Until, you saw him with his back facing you, (wearing his swimming suit),

He had one hand against the shower wall, and his head down, allowing the water to flow from his neck to his body,

You tried not to blush at the wonderful, and majestic sight that was put out at you, and took a deep breath,

You slowly walked up behind him, and gave him a hug, he knew it was you, since there was no sudden reaction, and he didn't even look back to check who you were,

" Haru, I'm sorry you lost. "

You whispered, and he turned around to hug you properly, your clothes were getting drenched, but it was fine.

He pulled himself from the hug, his head still facing down, and you realized that water was dropping from his face,

But that water wasn't from the shower, they were tears ( gr8 here comes ooc haru )

You stared at him in shock, and pulled his face up,

" Are you crying?! "

You shouted, as you noticed tiny tears escape his eyes, he tried looking back down, but your hands made his face stay up,

ultimate | haru x reader x rinWhere stories live. Discover now