"I know what you're thinking Alex. You need to stop."

"I am not thinking anything mother."

"You are blaming yourself for tonight's tragedy." She stepped closer but I took a step further away from her. I do not need pity nor sympathy

"I couldn't stop what happened tonight. It was not my fault they were slacking off. I did my best."

"Stop giving me that bullshit I am not buying any of it. Stop putting on this mask, enough of building up walls around the real you. Don't let this get the best of you."

"Look around you Mom!! It already has. I have lost more that what I have gained. Are you that blind? I cannot feel anything else besides misery and hate. All I fucking think about is killing. Blood that's what I want to see. Maybe it's childish, but the only thing that makes me feel something is when I rip one of their throats out. It means I am eliminating the threat. This is not normal!... I feel everything and nothing at the same time." My voice almost breaking at the last part of the sentence. I need to make things right.

"Please, I need to be alone." Her eyes told me she wanted to stay. Be a mother for me, give me something I lacked for so many years. But I wasn't a kid anymore. I needed alone time, the thoughts running inside my head needed to fade. There comes a time in your life when you feel most comfortable with your lover than with anyone else. That's who I needed right now.

I heard the door closing behind me. Leaving me alone with suffocating thoughts. It is better to face once and for all what is ruining you. I dropped the robe, getting dressed quickly. Like a panther ready to kill, silently I opened my window.

It is better to face the demons that don't allow you to sleep at night. It was preciseley what I was going to do.

Jumping down, without looking back I just ran. Fresh air clensed my lungs. Cleared my thoughts. This is what I need, this is what she needs. I have done enough research. Enough reading. I know exactly what I am dealing with. If I need to dance in darkness with my enemy, I will give one hell of a show.

After hours none stop I came to stop where I needed to be. My lungs were on fire but I did not care at all. Making my way into the big hospital, people stared at me. Probably thinking I have gone mad. Which I probably was. My feet felt heavier than ever. Almost as if I have concrete in my boots. I got my damp locks in a messy bun. Feeling how sweat drip down from my nape down to my vertabrae. Middle of winter yet I feel like I am burning in my own skin.

"Miss? Excuse me? You can't be in here." The man in charge of intense care said behind me. Though I ignored his presence. That is until he grabbed my arm firmly. With the speed of light, I twisted his hand. Making him yelp in pain. Of course I did not do it strong enough to break the bone.

"First of all don't you ever fucking lay a hand on me, second of all, I run this mother fucking Hospital, I can get you fired faster than you can pronounce your name."

I let go of his hand. Watching how horrified he became. I fixed his white coat, as if nothing just happen.

"Look for me by Halsey in the list." With that I just went in my girlfriend's room. Silently closing the door behind me. I was afraid to turn around. To face her after what has felt like years. I rested my forehead against the white door. Still with my shaky hand on the silver knob. It is hard to look at her and not be reminded of everything I have caused. Or perhaps I just should accept fate. Maybe none of this was truly my fault, but that psychos doing. I was just caught in it, so was my mate. Maybe I wasn't meant to live any of this, but here I was. No escape, only reality punching my gut. It was time to make it all better. With a breath that most likely felt like my last I turned around.

All over again my heart sunk. Nervously I walked closer to her. Only noise in the room was my heavy breathing and the beeping sound of the heart monitor. My pale hand grabbed hers. Noticing how fade her bruises were. A small smile crept on my face. For the very first time in a long time. It was nice to feel her hand in mine again. I brought it up to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on it. My eyes scanned her face. Oh her beautiful face, what I would give to see those hazel eyes staring at me again. See her blush whenever I say something dorky or innapropiate. Hear her laugh when she finds something insignificant funny. It is all the small things that construct a massive wave of feelings what I miss the most. Because whenever I am with her, there is no Alexandra Halsey and a curse, no darkness, there is nothing but pure sincere love. I am happy.

"It's been a while since I last saw you Cassie, even 'sleeping' you manage to take my breath away. It's quite hard to explain the reason why I am here my love. Because asides from missing you like crazy, there is more to it. I am about to do something so reckless, if you were awake to see it, you would probably kick my butt for just thinking about it. I hope you forgive me, and if I don't make it back to you like I promised I would. Please find your happiness. Find your way into this world. Become the dancer you dream of being because I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to. I will not speak of how lost I have been these couple of weeks, maybe I was lost even before your accident. Only thing I am sure is about my love for you. It is the only thing that has kept me going. That's why I will give my everything to save you and somehow free my people from this nightmare. Thank you for absoloutely everything, for every single second you spent by my side. For not leaving even when you found out what I am. Thank you for loving each corner of my bruised heart most of all thank you for healing it and bringing light into it. You bring out the real Alexandra Halsey, you are the only one that truly knows her. Know when you wake up and always, that my last heartbeat had your name written over it.

I love you Cassidy Scott."

With tears in my eyes I placed the letter on her hand. This is what needs to be done. My canines came out, softly my hand lowered her hospital gown around her neck. Exposing the creamy flesh. I licked my lips at the sight. My wolf knows how to do this so I just let her take control. Kissing softly her neck, I found the right spot for it. My wolf howled in response. I kissed the area more, softly running my tongue over it to sooth it. When I felt relaxed enough my canines dug in her flesh. A feeling stronger than an atomic bomb hit me. All my senses came to life. I felt on cloud nine. I have never felt power like this is my entire life. Her heartbeat began to race, scaring me for a bit before my wolf assured me that she will be okay. Softly my canines withdraw. Again my tongue run over the skin, well now over our mark. Even the taste of her blood was sending me over the edge. I bit into my wrist, making a deep cut. Lowering her gown more, right above her heart came to view. With my blood I drew the exact same mark I have on my chest, on hers. Right beside it a re-creation of my wolf mark tattoo. I could feel my eyes becoming green as they will ever be. As I begun to say the next words.

"From a sacrifice she was born, by a sacrifice she must be done. A life for a life. A new one must be made, I shall give mine to free you from her. Come back to me even if I am gone."

The beeping sound went still, panick took over, but in that moment the marks made out of my blood dissapeared and so did the one on her neck. Soon enough the beeping was back on. Like nothing happen.

"It has been made, no going back now." My wolf said filled with sadness. I kissed her forehead one more time, lingering my lips longer than intended. My tears fell, landing on her cheek.

"Goodbye my love."

With that I headed out. I knew she was going to be waiting outside for me. Death does not scare you if it means saving the love of your life.

To be continued...

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