Chapter Seven

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"That's enough now we really need to get back to the party or else my mother will have a mini heart attack", Kenneth stated guiding her back to the party.They entered the party area and immediately noticed Jessica freaking out while Mathew and Dorothy tried to calm her.

"Where is Kenneth she asked her husband, and now my Joanne has disappeared. I swear I don't know where I went wrong with that boy. his breaking my poor girl's heart.” Jessica finished shaking her head close to tears.

"Am right here mother and for Joanne, I think I settled my case" Ken said looking down into the welcoming brown eyes of his precious bride to be. Right precious", he asked.

"Yes..., yes he did”, she said reaching out to Jessica. We are okay now mum," Joanne said looking at Kenneth.

"I believe I owe you an apology ma'am, Ken said turning to Dorothy. I wasn't able to meet you sooner and to top it all off I made your daughter cry".

"It's all okay my son, if my daughter is happy, that's all I need. Make her happy, she's all work and no play. I sincerely ask of you to give this relationship a chance. Am sure the both of you will find something beautiful".

“I will do my best ma'am”, Ken finished just as an excited Cindy rushed to Joanne’s side.

"Joan I just saw boys II men, they are here at your engagement," Cindy screamed in excitement.

"Slow down Cindy and please greet your brother in law first. Dorothy bellowed.

"Brother in law," Cindy asked turning to look at the tall handsome figure. Joanne moved to his side before raising her hand to close her gap lips. He looked like those Greek god characters Cindy thought out loud.

"Cindy meet Kenneth your brother in law" Joanne said with an amused smile on her face. Her baby sister was staring shocked. Her fiance was a handsome man, she had to admitted and in person he shamed the photos they saw of him around the house.

"Pleasure to meet  you Cindy", Kenneth said stretching his hand to greet Cindy who jumped in his arms.

"A hug is in order, welcome to the family Zeus brother in law," Cindy stated moving to her sister and whispering something in her ear that had Joanne blushing. As they were still talking the MC announced the arrival of the Boys II Men. Every settled down in their seats just as Kenneth excused himself to answer his phone.

"I will be right back precious", he said placing a kiss on her cheek as he left. She was seated enjoying the performance when Kenneth returned. Problem was, there was no seat for him, every table had seven chairs and Michael had taken Ken's chair. Jessica asked an usher to bring out an extra chair. But as the waiter left Ken held Joanne's hand to stand up, taking her seat. She was still analysing what was happening when Ken pulled her to sit on his lap. Shocked and little bit embarrassed in front of their parents.
"Are you comfortable"?

"What will our parents think, let me stand I will wait for the chair they are bringing."

“That’s not the answer" Ken stated staring into her eyes. Arms secured tightly around her waist. Besides do they look they mind, he told her pointing to their parents. Her mother was focused on the performance; the whole group was singing to the famous lyrics of the boy band. 

"Its so natural you belong to me", Cindy shouted. Same thing with Jessica, but before she could look back to Ken, Jessica winked at her.

"Just relax and let us enjoy our party, okay? He said holding up her chin he pecked her lips. She thanked heavens it was already night fall. She hide face in the crook of his neck, totally embarrassed. But Kenneth just held her tight focusing on the entertainment as the waiter brought the extra chair.

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