Chapter 6

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The moment of truth has arrived. I have to tell him about my feelings. But first.

" I need to tell you why I hate you" I said
He nodded his saying go on.
" you were just so perfect you had every girl liking you. Nice boys looked up to you but you didn't even look at them. You made people scared of you. And my mother always said it was bad luck for people to be scared of you. Then I got drunk and kissed you. If you change your ways I will totally go out with you and stop hating you". Then I put my hands on top of his and gave him a smile.

" thanks for giving me a chance Alexis I will totally change my ways to go out with you."
Omg I am going out with Derek Johnson can't wait to tell the girls.
We stayed in the park for an hour just looking at the scenery ahead of us.
On the car ride home we listened to music and just talked like a normal new couple would.

The next day I got an ride with El and Whitney .
This was the perfect chance to tell them about Derek and I.
I turned the radio down and began to talk.
" me and Derek are going out but we are not official though". I said biting my bottom lip.
They both nodded their heads and began to talk about ship names. While I switched seats with Whitney.
Today will be a good Tuesday I can tell I think.

Hey its the author such a cute chapter i am sick but I wanted this chapter to get out. See you guys later.

I Kissed The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now