Chapter 4

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I knew what I had to do I couldn't let him kiss me. I stood up from the table and went to dump my dish. When I can back I told him thank you for last night and then I left. I didn't bother to look back at him. When I got to the hotel room Eric,El, and Whitney were still gone. I packed up my stuff and text Danny to come pick me up.
It was later that evening when I got a call from Whitney saying somebody caught Derek at the mall talking to himself saying stuff like " I should never had kiss Lexi " and all that stuff. And Whitney said that same person saw him stealing some headphones at the music shop. I told Whitney I really didn't care and hanged up. Then i took a long nap.
Sunday went by in a flash and the next thing I knew it was Monday morning. As I entered the school building the main corridor got quite.
Kids started looking at me and they were pointing at me. And this one kid who I think is a freshman threw this paper ball at me. How rude! No matter where I went I kept getting looks and points even in homeroom. When the bell ringed for lunch I literally ran to the canteen. I grabbed a sandwich and a pickle and headed to the library to eat lunch with the nerds.  I checked my phone and saw I had a missed call from El. I turned my phone off and headed to the library. When I got inside the library I saw I wasn't the only one ignoring all the commotion in the canteen. There sat Derek sitting at a table by the pre adult bookshelf. I went and sat three table down from him. And ignored some looks from him while at it. He came and sat down right in front of me. Can he not take a hint?. Let me guess NO. " what are you doing?"I whispered shouted. He shrugged and took my pickle and ate it chewing slowly. "Eating your pickle" he said in a duh tone of voice.  "  well guess what I want you to leave me alone ". " I didn't do anything Lex". " liar" I shouted. " why do you hate me? He asked standing up and  balling his fist.  " you should go Derek" i said in a soft tone of voice. " No I was here first". "Fine". I left my lunch and left the library slamming the door while at it. And I headed to the last class of the day Art.
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