Lavender Twilight

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Levi ignored her, standing up with Ivan in his arms. The kid just clung onto him, a hand over his mouth as he held back his snickers. "Let's go.." Suddenly his movements were a halted when there was a sharp tug on his cloak, he gazed backwards over his shoulder witnessing Selene wipe her face robustly on the cloth. "You little—hey!" He tried grabbing at her but the girl already ran for it, racing towards their exit with a loud obnoxious laugh.

Ivan was giggling in his arms too, "She got you—OW!" Levi flicked his forehead. "Meanie.."

"Yeah too bad for you, this meanie will be adopting you, show some respect." The raven countered.

Blinking at him, Ivan suddenly lightly hit an open palm with a curled fist, remembering their exchange this morning. "Oh yeah!" He grinned, then as soon as he looked up at his future guardian, his grin turned into a hurt grimace, "Oh yeah.." He repeated with least enthusiasm.

"Haha, fake laugh, hiding the pain.." Levi hummed and followed after the brunette.

When they reached the streets once more, he spotted the girl waiting for them with a shit eating grin.

"Keep up old man!" The sky was already getting dark, the dimming light of the sun made an incalculable shades of colors. Twilight had never looked more beautiful. Somehow, with the little bit of light left to light up the world, it made the girl seem all the more gorgeous. "You're not getting any younger so hurry it up!" Ignoring that of course, she would have been.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Levi sighed and put Ivan down. Why was he even putting up with these shits? "Let's go get some dinner, shall we?"

She blinked at him incredulously. "Really? You're still going to treat me? Boy, I sure am lucky!" Cheering very vocally on her jackpot she grabbed Ivan by the hand. "Come on, kiddo! The geezer is treating us!"

"Keep up the name calling and I'm making you pay for everything." Levi said with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, whatever man. Just remember, my kisses aren't free." She grinned back at him. "And we kissed plenty.."

"Those were mutual exchanges," Levi rolled his eyes at her, but a small smirk was formed on his lips. "I didn't hear you complaining when I had my tongue shoved down your throat—"

"AAHH NO!" Ivan covered his ears, he pulled away from Selene's hand. "Grooooosss!!" He didn't need to hear much more of the icky romancy stuff, he really wanted to gag on it.

The two adults just chuckled down on the boy, who was walking significantly faster.


Entering a small rest house, Ren took in the sight of being with so many people. In the underground places like this were hardly full at all and even if there were people going out to dine, it'd be too scary to even sit in the same threshold with them.

It was different from the one they ate from during lunch, this place was merrier. Aside from the soft chattering of the customers, at the side there were some brawny men playing a decent melody with instruments Ren's never seen before, aside from the old piano. The sounds and the ambiance brought comfort to the people dining in it.

"This isn't too expensive is it?" Ren murmured towards Levi, unsure if he still wanted to impose. He could walk out of here right now. The man already spent a lot on him after all.

"Don't think about it," Levi told him, pulling him over along with Ivan. They sat at a table close to the windows where it was much cooler, they had a perfect view of the dimming sky. "Get whatever you want." He told them, flicking the menu slab right at them. "And don't look at the price."

Repainting A Blank Canvas - [Riren/Ereri]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt