Chapter 37

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Cal heard a ringing in his ears. His vision was slightly blurry and his head hurt. He let out a groan and tried to move, but he couldn't. He heard muffled voices and saw red and blue flashing lights. Someone came hovered over him. Cal couldn't see their face clearly. He was pretty sure they asked him something, but it was all muffled.

The person hovering over him turned on a light and shined it directly into Cal's eyes. Cal flinched and closed his eyes. He let out another groan. the voices were starting to become less muffled.

"Sir? Sir, can you here me?" It was a man speaking. Was he talking to him? "Sir, I need to know if you're alright. What's your name?"


"You're name's Rory?" The man started to write something down.

"Where's Rory?" Cal saw the man stop writing and frown at him.

"Are you not Rory?"

"I need Rory." The man walked away for a second and came back with another lady.

"Son, you're friend is in the ambulance already. We need to know your name." Somebody started to work on his face. It hurt.

"Ow! Where's Rory?"

"He's in the ambulance. What's your name?" Cal had to think for a second.

"Phillip, Phillip Cal Barkley." The man wrote something down on the clipboard and started to walk away.

"You got it from here." All of a sudden, many people start to help Cal onto something. Cal thought he was flying when they all lifted him up and carried him to a large truck. His head hurt, so he closed his eyes for a second.

He jerked them open a few minutes later, but he thought it had only been seconds. He groaned and turned his head to the side. His eyes widened when he caught sight of Rory lying next to him.

"Rory!" Cal tried to reach out his hand, but it hurt so much that he had to let it hand. A lady told him to stop and helped put his hand back next to him.

"You're going to hurt yourself, lad." Cal didn't care. He called Rory's name again, but he didn't respond.

"What's wrong with him?" Cal demanded.

"Head damage. We're getting to the hospital as fast as we can, sir-sir, please lay down." Multiple hands shot out to push Cal back onto his back. Cal was frustrated and let out a loud sigh. He looked at Rory again. He felt a large lump in his throat from the sight of him.

His face was all scratched up. There was so much blood, Cal couldn't tell where it was coming from. His blond hair was matted to his face with bright red blood. They took his shirt off, so Cal could see the large, long gashes and start of bruises. As Cal's eyes gazed over Rory's body, they started to get heavier. His vision got blurry again and the voices became muffled. He was gone again.


This time Cal woke up in a hospital room. There was no confusion, Cal knew exactly where he was the second he woke up. He just didn't know why.

He threw the blankets off of him and swung his legs over the bed. He tried to stand, but fell to the floor. He let out a large cry and felt tears leak from his eyes. He grabbed his left leg with one hand and slammed the cold hospital floor with his other hand. He clenched his teeth together to prevent himself from screaming out. He sniffed and wiped the ears that had leaked from his face, then sat into a sitting position.

He looked down to see what was wrong. Almost his entire leg was covered with a brace of some kind. Cal could see through it, and it looked terrible. His skin was red, purple, and swollen. It looked disgusting, Cal almost wanted to throw up at the sight of his own leg.

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