Chapter 25

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I woke up to an unfamiliar setting. It took me a second before I realized I was in Cal's room. I felt significantly worse than I did yesterday. I let out a groan and put my hand on my forehead. I was burning up. I dropped my hand to my side, but jumped when I felt it touch something.

I also realized that because I was in Cal's room asleep, I was also in his bed. Cal was sleeping peacefully beside me, which was a strange sight. He wasn't fidgeting, he didn't have a stressed look on his face, and he wasn't sweating. He just looked normally. I felt my heart beat rapidly and rose a shaky hand to his forehead. He was a lot less warm than what he was yesterday. I must have gotten sick when I was caught in the rain, just like he was.

I sneezed which seemed to jerk him awake. He rubbed his eyes as he got into a sitting position. His eyes got wide when he saw my sitting next to him. He coughed and rubbed the back of his head. It was dark in the room because of the blinds, but I could still see the faint red that traced his cheeks.

"Oh, sorry. I was too tired to carry you back to your room," Cal explained. I just nodded and awkwardly fiddled with my hands.

"It's fine... You seemed to be sleeping better. You're also not as sick." He smiled.

"Thanks to you." He thought back to what he said before coughing awkwardly. "I meant, the sick thing. I'm better because of the medicine and the... Yeah..." I laughed a bit while I watched his face get redder.

"Do you remember any of what happened while you were sick? You seemed pretty out of it," I said warily. His facial expression didn't change from his smile.

"Not really, so you're right. I don't remember much." I looked down at the bed and started to bunch of the sheets in my hand. They were very soft and smelled like him. I didn't want to leave.

"Oh... Okay, just wondering..."

"Why? What did I say?" I forced a smile onto my face before looking back up at him.

"Nothing much, just being your normal, silly self." He laughed. "Saying random stuff and all."

"Yeah, I remember you coming back from getting soup. You were so small and soaked, it was a funny sight." Cal shook his head to get his hair out of his eyes. Without thinking about it, I messed it up again because I liked it messy. I blushed immediately after I did it, but he just chuckled. He did the same to my hair even though I tried to swat his hand away. I managed to grab it, but then he used his other hand to attack me.

"Could you stop it?" I half demanded, half laughed. He started to laugh harder, but started to do too much to the point to where he fell on me. "See? You're heavy. You're killing me."

"I'm sorry my muscles weigh so much," he replied without getting off of me.

"You're an ass."

"I have a nice ass." I rolled my eyes and tried to shove him off of me. He stayed on top of me for a few minutes just to spite me. He finally rolled off while chuckling. 

"You're insufferable," I said while trying to catch my breath. I leaned on my hands, still sitting on his bed. He sat back up again and looked at me for a while. "What?" He smiled a bit before it faltered.

"Nothing... It's just that..." He looked serious and in thought. I just stared at him before his dark orbs turned back to me. I stopped breathing when he placed large hand on my cheek.

"Cal?" He didn't say anything. He just closed his eyes and softly placed his lips on my. In that moment, all I wondered was if he could feel my heart beating. I thought about how rough his chin felt against mine. I wondered if he could sense my nervousness, or my shock. I didn't think it mattered anymore when he started to move his lips against mine. Was it not a mistake?

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