Chapter 9

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"That guy was creepy," Nick commented. He kept looking over his shoulder to look at him. I nodded in agreement. "Sorry I lost you there by the way."

"It's fine, I actually kind of lost you," I corrected.

"I'm just glad I found you, Cal would've had my balls," he said in a serious tone, but he started laughing when I did. "We should probably just head back and chill, if that's cool?" I nodded because it didn't seem like I had much of a choice anyways.

There was even more traffic than there had been before. Nick had gotten bored fast and decided to turn on the radio. His music was different than Cal's, but I liked it just as well as I did Cal's. Nick seemed to know all the lyrics as he sang along and turned the volume up. When were stopped he would start to dance in his seat which would make me laugh.

I was very sleepy after the drive, but Nick still seemed lively and ready to do more things even though it was getting late. Cal would come home soon, or so I had assumed.

"Apparently Cal has to stay a bit later," Nick informed me as he looked down at his phone. I frowned but didn't say anything. "That sucks, on his first day back?" Nick had shook his head in a disapproving manner and put his phone in his pocket. We had arrived back at the apartment building so we climbed out the car. "Fear not, young one." Nick ran to the trunk of his car and pulled it open. "For I have a fun way to pass time." He pulled out a box like device that looked like Cal's DVD player.

"What's that?"

"It's a video game system. Cal has one, but it's lamer than mine." Nick had goofy grin as we made our way back to Cal's apartment. Since Nick still had the keys, he was able to unlock the door without a problem. "It's a good thing I still kept these."

As soon as we stepped into the apartment, Nick went to the TV and started to work to get the system set up. I got a drink and watched him as he cursed whenever he couldn't figure something out. I laughed when he let out a big groan and another string of curses.

"I'd make you do this if you knew how," Nick said grumpily.

"Not sure you know how to either, but we'd be in the same boat." I laughed when Nick attempted to throw a pillow at me and missed. "Pillows aren't for throwing."

"Then why are they called throw pillows?" Nick glared and threw another one at me. He missed again and ended up sending my glass of water off the table. It shattered on the ground. "Shit." Nick cursed and came over to pick up the glass pieces. "This never happened."

"Told you they weren't for throwing," I responded with a giggle. Nick glared at me as he got up to throw some of the pieces away. I decided to get down and try to help pick up the pieces as well. My knees got wet from the water that was spilled. I picked up a few pieces before I cut my finger on one of the larger pieces and ended up dropping them to clutch my finger. A few drops of blood dripped onto the floor and mixed with the water.

"Dammit, Rory." Nick shoved a chair aside so he could bend down and examine my finger. "Why didn't you just suck on it?" He stood up and brought me over to the kitchen sink.

"Because that's gross," I responded like it was obvious. He gave me a deadpan look and shoved my finger under the running water.

"It's like I'm babysitting rather than hanging out."

"Sorry for wasting your time," I replied sarcastically. I dried off my finger while Nick searched for a box of band-aids. Nick was laughing from the bathroom and came back to where I was sitting. The band-aids he found had some sort of cartoon design on them, which is why I guess Nick was laughing. He gave me one and I put it on my finger. Nick went to clean up the rest of the glass and put the pillows back in their place.

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